Kebimbangan yang dimainkan oleh Umno/Barisan Nasional dan sesetengah pihak bahawa penghapusan cukai eksais kereta demi menurunkan harga kereta akan mengurangkan hasil kerajaan dan menjejaskan ekonomi adalah tidak tepat.
KEADILAN telah menjelaskan bahawa jumlah cukai RM8 bilion yang dianggarkan dikenakan ke atas rakyat sekarang ini sebenarnya akan dipulangkan kepada rakyat. Jumlah ini akan dibelanjakan oleh rakyat di dalam ekonomi negara yang akan merancakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pertumbuhan ekonomi ini akan meningkatkan hasil kerajaan melalui kutipan cukai pendapatan syarikat dan individu. Kesan berganda kepada ekonomi negara jika jumlah RM8 billion ini dipulangkan kepada rakyat adalah lebih tinggi berbanding jika ia berada di dalam poket kerajaan.
Malah, pengurusan permit import (AP) kereta yang lebih baik juga akan menambahkan lagi pendapatan negara. Gabungan kedua-dua langkah ini akan memastikan pendapatan negara tidak terjejas secara mendadak hasil dari penghapusan cukai eksais secara berperingkat.
Perlu diingatkan, Umno/Barisan Nasional telah mungkir janji dengan rakyat untuk menghapuskan AP seperti yang diumumkan di dalam Dasar Automotif Negara yang berkuatkuasa bermula 20 Oktober 2005. Janji untuk menghapuskan AP menjelang 31 Disember 2010 tidak ditepati, sebaliknya kini sasaran itu ditangguhkan pula ke 31 Disember 2015.
Sistem AP bukan sahaja menyebabkan harga kereta yang lebih tinggi tetapi hanya menguntungkan sesetengah pihak yang rapat dengan Umno/Barisan Nasional.
Janji Umno/Barisan Nasional supaya hasil dari AP ini akan digunakan untuk membantu usahawan Bumiputra di dalam sektor automotif juga tidak ditepati. Di dalam ucapan belanjawan 2010, Dato’ Seri Najib telah mengumumkan bahawa setiap AP akan dijual pada harga RM10,000 dan hasilnya akan dimasukkan ke dalam satu tabung untuk membantu usahawan Bumiputra.
Bagi tahun 2011, sebanyak 600,123 unit kenderaan didaftar. Dari jumlah itu, 533,515 unit dikeluarkan dan dipasang di Malaysia, bermakna sejumlah 66,608 AP telah dikeluarkan dalam tahun 2011 bagi kenderaan import. Jika benar hasil AP yang bernilai RM10,000 setiap satu ini telah dimasukkan ke dalam satu tabung untuk usahawan Bumiputra, sepatutnya pentadbiran Dato’ Seri Najib telah membelanjakan RM666 juta setiap tahun untuk membantu usahawan Bumiputra dalam sektor automotif seperti yang dijanjikan.
Sehingga kini, kita masih belum mendapat apa-apa maklumat mengenai tabung ini atau pun hasil AP yang telah dibelanjakan untuk rakyat.
Sebab itu, KEADILAN mencadangkan supaya kerajaan akan datang kekal dengan komitmen untuk menghapuskan AP menjelang tahun 2015 supaya tidak melanggar peraturan WTO dan AFTA yang telah dipersetujui.
Dalam tempoh 3 tahun di antara 2013 dan 2015, langkah-langkah berikut wajar dilaksanakan bagi mendapatkan nilai terbaik dari AP yang dikeluarkan:
1. Penjualan AP akan dibuka kepada bidaan umum bermula dengan harga-harga tertentu mengikut kategori kereta dan penggunaan bahan api, demi menggalakkan lebih banyak kereta yang menjimatkan bahan api diperkenalkan
2. Harga permulaan bidaan ditetapkan pada RM10,000 bagi kategori jimat bahan api, RM20,000 bagi kategori kenderaan biasa dan RM30,000 bagi kategori kenderaan berkuasa tinggi yang menggunakan bahan api yang lebih
3. KEADILAN percaya harga purata bagi setiap AP yang dikeluarkan boleh mencecah RM40,000 apabila penjualan AP dibuka kepada proses bidaan
4. Dengan anggaran sebanyak 70,000 AP dikeluarkan setiap tahun, ini akan membawa hasil sebanyak RM2.8 bilion setiap tahun kepada kerajaan
Walaupun harga AP akan ditentukan oleh proses bidaan untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik kepada negara, penghapusan cukai eksais secara berperingkat bermakna harga kereta secara purata akan tetap turun.
Pendapatan tambahan dari hasil AP yang dirombak dianggarkan akan memastikan perbendaharaan negara kekal mendapat di antara RM2 bilion hingga RM3 bilion setiap tahun bagi mengimbangi penurunan kutipan cukai eksais.
Pada masa yang sama, hasil kutipan cukai yang lain juga dijangka akan meningkat apabila perbelanjaan rakyat berikutan suntikan RM8 bilion merancakkan ekonomi negara.
KEADILAN merasakan formula ini adalah lebih baik berbanding pendekatan mencekik darah rakyat melalui cukai eksais berkali ganda yang menyebabkan rakyat terpaksa berhutang untuk membayar cukai kepada kerajaan.
31 JULAI 2012
Excellent approach by PR. We have yet to see any plan from BN/UMNO other than a one liner quote “bankrupt”. Looks like BN/UMNO is bankrupt of ideas only.
setuju, rakyat harus diberi peluang utk membuat bidaan… there are so many new player out there would have a better/creative input in doing automotive business. Say no to monopolize..
bro kalo bole letak reference/footnote kat info penting2 lg bagus.. biase la auditor kan suke x-ref2.. hehe lebih cepat nk verify info.. hehe.. hafa gday!
Proposed Revision of Automotive Policy For Rakyat
1. LOWER Car Excise Duty based on Emission and Efficiency Tests (BELOW 1800cc car and 2500cc diesel 4WD/MPV/SUV):
Currently excise duty imposed on cars below 1800cc is 75 percent which is ridiculous and anti-competitive in nature which means car with outdated engine and less efficient rated equal with clean and highly fuel efficient car.
a) CO2 Emission test – the more carbon dioxide CO2 gram/km emitted, the higher the car duties
b) Fuel Efficiency test – the more fuel used (efficiency) Litre/100km, the higher the car duties
This measure will force the car firms to introduce only the cleanest and most fuel efficient car while rakyat enjoy the best fair market price
a) *CO2 Emission test level and excise duty rate imposed on car cost price:
0-100 grams per km – 1 percent (Level 1)
100-150 grams per km – 3 percent (Level 2)
150-200 grams per km – 5 percent (Level 3)
Above 200 grams per km – 20 percent (Level 4)
b) *Fuel Efficiency test level and tax rate imposed on car cost price:
0-5 litre / km – 1 percent (Level 1)
5-7 litre / km – 3 percent (Level 2)
7-10 litre / km – 5 percent (Level 3)
10-15 litre / km – 7 percent (Level 4)
Above 15 litre / km – 20 percent (Level 5)
Example of 1000cc car pricing and tax rates:
Estimated price ex-factory with approved accessories: RM23,000.00
CO2 Emission test: Level 2 or 3 percent excise duty
Fuel Efficiency test: Level 2 or 3 percent excise duty
Total Excise Duty imposed only 6 percent or RM1,440.00
Plus Sales Tax 5 percent (reviewed new rate?) or RM1,272.00
Selling price only RM26,712.00
Plus insurance premium estimated RM1,000
Plus road tax RM50.00
Plus JPJ numbering fee RM50.00
OTR on-the-road price = RM27,812.00
*Official testings done jointly by Ministry of Environment & Ministry of Transport agencies.
2. But HIGHER excise duty for cars ABOVE 1800cc and 4WD 2500cc:
The revision of car duty structure above should only be limited to cars to engines below 1800cc (petrol engines) and 4WD Pickup/SUV/MPV vehicles 2500cc (diesel engines) but for cars and 4WD/SUV/MPV that ABOVE the limits the excise duty remain using the current format and INCREASE the rates higher to compensate the lost of revenues from the new format imposed on the lower limits rule.
Govt must target the rich to pay highest price possible as they can afford it anyway and not the opposite where poor folks are extorted instead.
a) *CO2 Emission test level and excise duty rate imposed on car cost price:
0-100 grams per km – 50 percent (Level 1)
100-150 grams per km – 100 percent (Level 2)
150-200 grams per km – 150 percent (Level 3)
Above 200 grams per km – 200 percent (Level 4)
b) *Fuel Efficiency test level and tax rate imposed on car cost price:
0-5 litre / km – 50 percent (Level 1)
5-7 litre / km – 100 percent (Level 2)
7-10 litre / km – 150 percent (Level 3)
10-15 litre / km – 200 percent (Level 4)
Above 15 litre / km – 250 percent (Level 5)
3. Minimum car safety requirements and warranty period:
Impose minimum mandatory installation of dual front airbags, ABS brakes, ESC traction control for every new car sold. It’s time for local rakyat to ger better safety than foreign national car buyers that enjoy much better safety kits at lower price. Stringent crash test must be imposed with cars achieved lower than 3-stars crash ratings shall be banned from entering our car market. MIROS, ANCAP, EuroCAP shall be the reference for the crash test ratings.
Also impose minimum warranty period at least 5 years with unlimited mileage together 1-month grace period granted for new purchase with no-question-asked return shall buyers not satisfied with the car quality.
4. More promotion and transparency on hybrid and electric cars
The current zero-duty policy on hybrid and electric cars must be continued and also cash rebates eg.RM5,000 given to hybrid and electric car owners to replace the batteries which have lifespan of around 6 – 7 years and zero-interest scheme for those buying it on loan. Explanation must be given why current zero-duty hybrid cars still slightly more expensive than market price from its origin exporter counties. Eg.Toyota Prius in Japan or USA price RM78K but here zero-duty price at RM140K. Why the huge margin difference?
5. Hire-purchase interest loan rates and insurance premium based on new excise duty too:
Banks, financial institutions and insurance comapnies therefore should based their interest rates accordingly on the new excise duty policy which means cleaner and fuel efficient cars should get lower interest rates thus making a perfect sense for car buyers to buy fuel efficient car instead.
Combined excise duty of 6 percent and below (Level 2) = maximum interest rate 2 percent per annum
6. Car excise duty made interest-free to stop double-taxation
Excise duty should not be factored in car loan. Make it separate. Stop double-taxation.
For example:
A 1300cc car with RM45K price
Using 75% car excise duty (cars below 1800cc) and 10% sales rate
Sales tax 10% = RM4,500
Car excise duty 75% = RM30,375.00
Total tax and excise = RM34,875.00
Therefore the car ex-factory cost price only RM10,125.00. So, only that RM10,125.00 shall be imposed the hire purchase interest rate by banks. Example at 2.5% per annum rate.
If take 5-year loan the the interest cost is RM253.13 per annum or RM1,265.65 in total 5 years loan.
Add that to car cost price plus interests RM10,125.00 + RM1,2565.65 = RM11,390.65
Divide 60 months (5 years) for RM189.85 monthly repayment.
Then, divide equally as well the interest-free total tax/excise cost (RM34,875.00) over 5 years or RM581.25. Total repayment shall be RM771.10 per month.
Now compare to the current practice RM45,000 plus 2.5% p.a. for 5 years loan:
RM45,000.00 + (RM1,125.00 X 5) = RM50,625.00 or RM843.75 per month.
It is only RM72 per month difference but over 5 years / 60month it costs RM4,359.00 for nothing
Yes for nothing because it is DOUBLE-TAXATION why get charged twice for the same item
For low income folks RM4,359.00 it means a lot to them and lost opportunities worth of:
– almost 2 years of petrol costs or,
– almost 2 years of housing rents or,
– 4 years supply of powdered milk for baby and many more other form of lost opportunities
Final Conclusion:
With these measures, govt should be able to protect the CORRECT group of car buyers – the low and medium income folks – by giving them more choices of cleaner and fuel efficient cars at fair open market prices, unlike now the low income car buyers are subjected to cut-throat prices, high interest car loan rates, dubious quality issues, fuel inefficient outdated engine and almost minimal safety features.
On environmental effect in medium and long-run govt can reduce the carbon dioxide emission levels with more and more fuel efficient and cleaner engined car on the road and as well fuel usage can be better optimized.
(Repost – correction on fuel efficiency rate – litre per 100KM format on point 2a and 2b)
Proposed Revision of Automotive Policy For Rakyat
1. LOWER Car Excise Duty based on Emission and Efficiency Tests (BELOW 1800cc car and 2500cc diesel 4WD/MPV/SUV):
Currently excise duty imposed on cars below 1800cc is 75 percent which is ridiculous and anti-competitive in nature which means car with outdated engine and less efficient rated equal with clean and highly fuel efficient car.
a) CO2 Emission test – the more carbon dioxide CO2 gram/km emitted, the higher the car duties
b) Fuel Efficiency test – the more fuel used (efficiency) Litre/100km, the higher the car duties
This measure will force the car firms to introduce only the cleanest and most fuel efficient car while rakyat enjoy the best fair market price
a) *CO2 Emission test level and excise duty rate imposed on car cost price:
0-100 grams per km – 1 percent (Level 1)
100-150 grams per km – 3 percent (Level 2)
150-200 grams per km – 5 percent (Level 3)
Above 200 grams per km – 20 percent (Level 4)
b) *Fuel Efficiency test level and tax rate imposed on car cost price:
0-5 litre / 100km – 1 percent (Level 1)
5-7 litre / 100km – 3 percent (Level 2)
7-10 litre / 100km – 5 percent (Level 3)
10-15 litre / 100km – 7 percent (Level 4)
Above 15 litre / 100km – 20 percent (Level 5)
Example of 1000cc car pricing and tax rates:
Estimated price ex-factory with approved accessories: RM23,000.00
CO2 Emission test: Level 2 or 3 percent excise duty
Fuel Efficiency test: Level 2 or 3 percent excise duty
Total Excise Duty imposed only 6 percent or RM1,440.00
Plus Sales Tax 5 percent (reviewed new rate?) or RM1,272.00
Selling price only RM26,712.00
Plus insurance premium estimated RM1,000
Plus road tax RM50.00
Plus JPJ numbering fee RM50.00
OTR on-the-road price = RM27,812.00
*Official testings done jointly by Ministry of Environment & Ministry of Transport agencies.
2. But HIGHER excise duty for cars ABOVE 1800cc and 4WD 2500cc:
The revision of car duty structure above should only be limited to cars to engines below 1800cc (petrol engines) and 4WD Pickup/SUV/MPV vehicles 2500cc (diesel engines) but for cars and 4WD/SUV/MPV that ABOVE the limits the excise duty remain using the current format and INCREASE the rates higher to compensate the lost of revenues from the new format imposed on the lower limits rule.
Govt must target the rich to pay highest price possible as they can afford it anyway and not the opposite where poor folks are extorted instead.
a) *CO2 Emission test level and excise duty rate imposed on car cost price:
0-100 grams per km – 50 percent (Level 1)
100-150 grams per km – 100 percent (Level 2)
150-200 grams per km – 150 percent (Level 3)
Above 200 grams per km – 200 percent (Level 4)
b) *Fuel Efficiency test level and tax rate imposed on car cost price:
0-5 litre / 100km – 50 percent (Level 1)
5-7 litre / 100km – 100 percent (Level 2)
7-10 litre / 100km – 150 percent (Level 3)
10-15 litre / 100km – 200 percent (Level 4)
Above 15 litre / 100km – 250 percent (Level 5)
3. Minimum car safety requirements and warranty period:
Impose minimum mandatory installation of dual front airbags, ABS brakes, ESC traction control for every new car sold. It’s time for local rakyat to ger better safety than foreign national car buyers that enjoy much better safety kits at lower price. Stringent crash test must be imposed with cars achieved lower than 3-stars crash ratings shall be banned from entering our car market. MIROS, ANCAP, EuroCAP shall be the reference for the crash test ratings.
Also impose minimum warranty period at least 5 years with unlimited mileage together 1-month grace period granted for new purchase with no-question-asked return shall buyers not satisfied with the car quality.
4. More promotion and transparency on hybrid and electric cars
The current zero-duty policy on hybrid and electric cars must be continued and also cash rebates eg.RM5,000 given to hybrid and electric car owners to replace the batteries which have lifespan of around 6 – 7 years and zero-interest scheme for those buying it on loan. Explanation must be given why current zero-duty hybrid cars still slightly more expensive than market price from its origin exporter counties. Eg.Toyota Prius in Japan or USA price RM78K but here zero-duty price at RM140K. Why the huge margin difference?
5. Hire-purchase interest loan rates and insurance premium based on new excise duty too:
Banks, financial institutions and insurance comapnies therefore should based their interest rates accordingly on the new excise duty policy which means cleaner and fuel efficient cars should get lower interest rates thus making a perfect sense for car buyers to buy fuel efficient car instead.
Combined excise duty of 6 percent and below (Level 2) = maximum interest rate 2 percent per annum
6. Car excise duty made interest-free to stop double-taxation
Excise duty should not be factored in car loan. Make it separate. Stop double-taxation.
For example:
A 1300cc car with RM45K price
Using 75% car excise duty (cars below 1800cc) and 10% sales rate
Sales tax 10% = RM4,500
Car excise duty 75% = RM30,375.00
Total tax and excise = RM34,875.00
Therefore the car ex-factory cost price only RM10,125.00. So, only that RM10,125.00 shall be imposed the hire purchase interest rate by banks. Example at 2.5% per annum rate.
If take 5-year loan the the interest cost is RM253.13 per annum or RM1,265.65 in total 5 years loan.
Add that to car cost price plus interests RM10,125.00 + RM1,2565.65 = RM11,390.65
Divide 60 months (5 years) for RM189.85 monthly repayment.
Then, divide equally as well the interest-free total tax/excise cost (RM34,875.00) over 5 years or RM581.25. Total repayment shall be RM771.10 per month.
Now compare to the current practice RM45,000 plus 2.5% p.a. for 5 years loan:
RM45,000.00 + (RM1,125.00 X 5) = RM50,625.00 or RM843.75 per month.
It is only RM72 per month difference but over 5 years / 60month it costs RM4,359.00 for nothing
Yes for nothing because it is DOUBLE-TAXATION why get charged twice for the same item
For low income folks RM4,359.00 it means a lot to them and lost opportunities worth of:
– almost 2 years of petrol costs or,
– almost 2 years of housing rents or,
– 4 years supply of powdered milk for baby and many more other form of lost opportunities
Final Conclusion:
With these measures, govt should be able to protect the CORRECT group of car buyers – the low and medium income folks – by giving them more choices of cleaner and fuel efficient cars at fair open market prices, unlike now the low income car buyers are subjected to cut-throat prices, high interest car loan rates, dubious quality issues, fuel inefficient outdated engine and almost minimal safety features.
On environmental effect in medium and long-run govt can reduce the carbon dioxide emission levels with more and more fuel efficient and cleaner engined car on the road and as well fuel usage can be better optimized.
Salam Rafizi,
Kerajaan BN nak solve double triple parking pun tak reti, what therefore can you expect from them on more serious issues such as corruption, APs and free education….
Excellent article and suggestion. Though it may not be the complete picture of what’s to come with the “new Government” – the thinking rakyat is now very much warming up to the idea of a thinking Kaizen Government for the rakyat.
Nonetheless, the first steps are the ideas and theories, the other would be good old enforcement and implementation. If PR when in power keep coming up with new ideas and implement them well, we won’t be hearing of a resurgence of a new BN for decades to come…
Bagus cadangan PR ..
bagaimana pula dgn cukai2 lain spt pemansuhan cukai jalan bagi kereta2 lama? pengurangan bayaran insuran motor lama yang terlalu tinggi, pemansuhan atau semak semula bayaran lesen memandu yg membebankan golongan perpendapatan rendah khasnya
Harap pihak PKR khasnya dan PR dapat memberi perhatian untuk perkara ini
Salam Rafizi,
Tahniah, keep thinking and reading and deliver to rakyat excellent ideas. Semoga dapat memajukan ummah.
Harapan saya, jika ini dapat dilakukan, lakukan mengikut ajaran islam. Pastikan kaedah bidaan ini memenuhi tuntutan syarak. Semoga negara kita akan diberkati Allah.
Terima Kasih sekali lagi, semoga saudara akan diberkatai Allah dalam memperjuangkan yang hak.
Salam Ramadahan.
I would suggest AP bid value for “energy guzzler” should be double the amount suggested.
Bidding value for AP – vehicle categories under “energy guzzler” should be double the amount suggested.
Keep up the good work Sdr Rafizi. May Allah blessed you with great health, perseverance and wisdom. One day, as they say, is helluva long time in politics. Majority of Malaysians do realize and will agree that we must change the way we do things.