Saudara Rafizi sentiasa bertemu dengan penduduk, aktivis, pelajar dan mereka yang mahu berbincang apa-apa isu.
Beliau mengkhaskan hari Jumaat dari jam 1030 pagi hingga 530 petang (kecuali waktu solat Jumaat) untuk bertemu dengan orang ramai.
Untuk memudahkan jadual disusun, anda diminta mengisi borang berikut. Pegawai dari Pusat Khidmat Pandan akan menghubungi kembali anda untuk mengesahkan slot masa perjumpaan.
I just saw this news today on Facebook.
And I would like to share this article I read some time ago.
How Daryl Davis approaches racism is like this:
“He explained his logic:
The most important thing I learned is that when you are actively learning about someone else you are passively teaching them about yourself. So if you have an adversary with an opposing point of view, give that person a platform. Allow them to air that point of view, regardless of how extreme it may be. And believe me, I’ve heard things so extreme at these rallies they’ll cut you to the bone.
Give them a platform.
You challenge them. But you don’t challenge them rudely or violently. You do it politely and intelligently. And when you do things that way chances are they will reciprocate and give you a platform. So he and I would sit down and listen to one another over a period of time. And the cement that held his ideas together began to get cracks in it. And then it began to crumble. And then it fell apart.”
Racists are still human. And humans become racists because of something they fear and do not understand. To battle racism, we need to be able to address those fears directly via dialogue. From the results of the last election, a lot of the battle has already been won in the city areas already. However, in the rural areas, where many may not have access to internet or social media news, the battle is far from over. And why is this important? It’s because the current government uses this fear and racism to ensure that they continue getting votes. With these tactic in hand, it’s hard for our country to change for the better.
“Vote for us, despite how corrupted we are, because if not, the Chinese will steal everything you have.”
In rural areas, most of the news would be spread by word of mouth and newspapers. If we’re talking orang asli villages, then it would only be word of mouth. So how can the latest news about corruption and the kind of change our country needs reach them? This is something that needs to be addressed much earlier on before the next election.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
– John Emerich, 1887
In our country, guess which party has been holding absolute power since 1957?
Our country needs change.
THIS IS EVEN WORST AND BIG SHOCKED after i have tried to access the SWISS-1MDB related news at and http://www.malaysia-chronicle .com now at 4:08am 1 february 2016. both websites are BLOCKED by the malaysia authorities. stating that : “Laman sesawang ini tidak dapat diakses di Malaysia kerana
kandungannya melanggar undang-undang negara.”
wondering if the contents published is inappropriate, they can always take legal action against it ! but instead , they blocked the websites and its contents from viewing !!! WAKE UP MALAYSIA !!!
*1Bestarinet RM4.4B gagal, kini Tengku Zafrul bersekongkol dengan YTL rompak Projek Gentian Optik KKMM Zon Sabah RM 946.5 juta!*
Lagi Sabah dianaktirikan. 7 Zon ditender. Namun kerana ‘kawtim’ Tengku Zafrul mahu beri Zon Sabah kepada YTL kontrak hampir RM1b. RM946.5 juta! Dulu YTL kroni atuk ini monopoli 1BestariNet yang gagal. Kini Projek Gentian optik, Syarikat Sabah yang layak ditolak MOF. Kesannya Projek Gentian Optik Sabah akan kekalkan YTL monopoli di Sabah selamanya dan semua syarikat Sabah perlu melutut dengan syarikat Malaya itu kemudian hari untuk dapatkan khidmatnya.
Link Maxis
Assalamualaikum Yb Rafizi.
Thanks for all your effort to build up our nation.
As a young voters in Malaysia we really need information like what you did today.
I would like to inform about within 2018, all employees need to pay 0.2% from our salary to EIS ( employee insurance system) even though we already paid for socso.
This thing really need your intel to dig out whether it is a proper way to do so or just another way of cleptocrate things and in relation to this, it shown that socso now dont have enough fund to contribute to people.
Thanks to your team and all the intel team of you, hope it can benefit to others as well.
Thanks and Best Regards
Hi dear Rafizi,
My name is Stefan Chew and I am an inventor with about 12 innovations and 30 patents.
One of my innovation is called PlaxiGUARD and is consist of a series of flood prevention barriers. These barriers would be very useful to be used for those frequent flash floods that occurs in Malaysia nowadays.
I sincerely would like to share this technology with you with the hope that you can utilise it to help to avert the terrible floods that are happening so frequently and causing so much inconveniences and damages to the rakyat. I am sure if my product is proven to be workable, the rakyat will sure praise Harapan for doing a good job.
Having said the above, I would appreciate it so much if you can grant me an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Stefan Chew
Dear Sir,
Please accept my apology that I have accidentally pressed the post comment a few times and so generated the same comments a few times.
Can you please delete those paragraphs where my email and handphone number are exposed inside as I want to keep that part confidential?
Thank you
Saudara Rafizi
Kenapa kita tidak boleh mengunakan teknologi terkini untuk memastikan transperansi project kerajaan dan juga memperkasakan pemantauan ahli politik…. Memang feasible….sebab 30 tahun pengalaman di bidang IT..plse consider for an appointment…tq