Category Archives: Rafizi Ramli

Wajibkan Pengisytiharan Harta (“Asset Declaration”) Secara Terperinci, Bukan Undang-Undang Dana Politik

Saya ketawa besar melihatkan pimpinan-pimpinan besar Barisan Nasional berlumba-lumba menyatakan kesediaan mereka menyokong cadangan-cadangan mengawalselia dana politik seperti yang dibentangkan oleh satu jawatankuasa semalam. Selain Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak yang menyerahkan perkara itu kepada pembangkang untuk dipersetujui kerana BN telah bersedia, pimpinan MCA telah menyatakan kesediaan. Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan pula memanggil saya “monyet politik” kerana menganggap semua itu helah politik untuk menutup skandal wang RM2.6 bilion masuk ke akaun Perdana Menteri.

Selain dari helah menutup skandal Perdana Menteri, saya tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan-cadangan itu kerana ia tidak mempunyai kaedah semak imbang (“check and balance”) yang paling berkesan untuk menyekat rasuah politik iaitu pengisytiharan harta secara wajib yang dikuatkuasakan oleh undang-undang.

Oleh yang demikian, saya ingin melontarkan kembali satu cadangan: saya boleh mengambil tugas meyakinkan pimpinan Pakatan Harapan untuk menerima cadangan-cadangan mengawalselia dana politik seperti yang dibentangkan dengan syarat Dato’ Seri Najib bersetuju menggubal undang-undang menguatkuasakan perkara-perkara berikut:

1. Mewajibkan mana-mana calon yang ingin bertanding dalam mana-mana pilihanraya di peringkat negeri ke atas (DUN dan Parlimen buat masa ini) mengisytiharkan harta secara terperinci mengikut kaedah yang telah digubal menjadi undang-undang. Kegagalan berbuat demikian bermakna calon itu telah melanggar undang-undang pilihanraya dan tidak layak bertanding;

2. Mana-mana wakil rakyat di mana-mana peringkat (DUN, Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara) dan pegawai tinggi kerajaan berpangkat JUSA C ke atas mestilah mengisytiharkan harta secara terperinci (seperti di atas) pada setiap tahun sepanjang mereka dalam perkhidmatan, dengan menunjukkan secara terperinci perubahan-perubahan material ke atas pemilikan dan penilaian harta (“material changes to asset ownership and valuation”) bagi tahun itu berbanding tahun sebelumnya;

3. Pengisytiharan harta secara terperinci bermaksud bagi si pengisytihar, isteri dan setiap anaknya:

a. memperincikan setiap harta yang dimiliki
b. memperincikan pendapatan bulanan dari semua sumber
c. memperincikan perbelanjaan bulanan bagi semua tanggungan dan aktiviti
d. memperincikan pergerakan (“movement”) harta, pendapatan dan perbelanjaan bagi tahun itu berbanding tahun sebelumnya

4. Menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan SPRM agar SPRM bebas sepenuhnya dari campur tangan politik seperti yang berlaku sekarang dan Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM diberikan perlindungan di bawah Perlembagaan bahawa dia tidak boleh dipecat oleh Perdana Menteri; dan

5. Meminda Perlembagaan agar kuasa pendakwaan tidak dipusatkan di tangan Peguam Negara semata-mata; dan kuasa pendakwaan bagi kes-kes rasuah yang disiasat SPRM diberikan kepada Ketua Pendakwaraya SPRM.

Jika Dato’ Seri Najib bersetuju untuk melakukan 5 langkah di atas, saya akan menjadi orang pertama yang menyokong sebahagian besar cadangan-cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh jawatankuasa tersebut.

Saya percaya ahli politik di Malaysia sebenarnya tidak memerlukan undang-undang untuk berlaku jujur dan membenci rasuah sekiranya mereka takutkan Allah SWT.

Saya adalah orang yang pertama mengisytiharkan harta secara terperinci tahun lalu melalui perakuan bersumpah.

Saya akan mengisytiharkan harta dan pendapatan bagi tahun 2016 melalui perkauan bersumpah pada 13 Oktober 2016 untuk menunjukkan ketelusan saya. Saya akan turut mengisytiharkan setiap derma yang saya perolehi sepanjang tahun ini setakat 13 Oktober 2016.

Saya akan menghantar satu format pengisytiharan harta terperinci yang saya maksudkan di atas kepada semua Ahli Parlimen tanpa mengira parti. Saya juga akan menghantar format itu bersama-sama gesaan saya agar setiap ahli parlimen, ADUN, Exco dan Menteri Besar kerajaan-kerajaan Pakatan Harapan di Selangor dan Pulau Pinang serta kerajaan Kelantan di bawah PAS mengambil langkah proaktif mengisytiharkan harta melalui perakuan bersumpah secara terperinci.

Hanya dengan memerhati ahli politik mana yang mengalu-alukan pengisytiharan harta dan yang mana memberi pelbagai alasan tidak masuk akal (contohnya risiko diculik) untuk tidak mengisytiharkan harta, barulah kita dapat tahu yang mana benar-benar serius mahu melawan rasuah.

Saya cukup yakin Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak tidak akan berani mengisytiharkan harta yang terperinci seperti yang saya akan buat, apatah lagi mengisytiharkan semua derma-derma politik selain dari RM2.6 bilion yang diterima itu.


Terus Perjuang Nasib Rakyat Walau Penjara Menanti

Keputusan mahkamah hari ini yang bersetuju pihak pendakwa telah membuktikan prima facie (ada asas kukuh pertuduhan terhadap saya) sudah pun saya duga.

Saya mengikuti dengan dekat persediaan pembelaan yang dikemukakan oleh pasukan peguam saya yang diketuai oleh YB Gobind Singh Deo, Saudara Saiful Izham Ramli, Saudara Ahmad Nizam Abdul Hamid dan kumpulan peguam muda yang lain. Saya yakin hujah kami adalah kukuh dan akan memastikan kes pembelaan kelak akan menunjukkan kelemahan-kelemahan pendakwaraya yang sepatutnya mendorong mahkamah membebaskan saya.

Pun begitu, saya pasrah dengan kemungkinan bahawa saya hanya ada beberapa bulan sahaja lagi sebelum proses mahkamah selesai dan saya dijatuhkan hukuman penjara. Kesalahan di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA) membawa hukuman wajib penjara sekurang-kurangnya satu tahun.

Saya tidak menyesal dan tidak akan berubah pendirian atau pendekatan. Dalam perkara yang jelas betul atau salahnya, tanggungjawab seorang insan adalah berkata benar. Soal kesan akibat berkata benar itu wajarlah diserahkan kepada Allah SWT semata-mata kerana kalau kita yakin kita berkata benar demi mencari keredhaan Allah SWT, kita juga yakin Allah SWT akan melindungi kita dan keluarga kita.

Kalaulah semua pimpinan masyarakat dan agamawan dalam masyarakat mengambil pendirian begini, lebih mudahlah kita melawan kezaliman dalam masyarakat tidak kira betapa kuatnya kuasa pemerintah.

Oleh itu, saya akan terus membawa isu-isu rakyat terbanyak lebih-lebih lagi dalam konteks kemelut politik pemimpin negara sekarang.

Saya telah membuat satu kajiselidik ringkas yang disertai oleh 718 responden sejak 2 minggu lalu. Kajiselidik ini disebarkan secara meluas melalui media sosial dan whatsapp. Soalan penuh kajiselidik boleh disemak di

Kajian ini bertujuan membantu saya memilih isu yang penting untuk rakyat dalam keadaan keseluruhan fokus ahli politik dan kebanyakan NGO sejak setahun lalu adalah 1MDB semata-mata serta usaha-usaha menukar Perdana Menteri.

Sedang saya bersetuju sepenuhnya dengan sebarang usaha menukar Perdana Menteri serta merta kerana saya bimbang ada usaha menutup skandal 1MDB dengan menggunakan dana-dana awam seperti Tabung Haji, KWAP, KWSP, PNB, Perkeso dan lain-lain, saya juga khuatir keghairahan bercakap mengenai 1MDB dan memecat Perdana Menteri semata-mata tanpa membela nasib rakyat terbanyak akan menyebabkan pimpinan Pakatan Harapan dilihat terpisah dari rakyat.

Dapatan dari kajiselidik tersebut disertakan bersama-sama kenyataan ini.





Ringkasan penting dari dapatan tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

1) 97% dari 718 responden berpendapat ada bukti kukuh Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak terlibat di dalam skandal 1MDB

2) Hanya 67% berpendapat pendedahan baru mengenai 1MDB akan mempengaruhi keputusan mereka mengenai 1MDB

3) 92% berpendapat isu-isu kebajikan rakyat lebih penting diketengahkan berbanding Rang Undang-undang 355

4) Responden menyenaraikan “memperjuangkan isu rakyat untuk membela rakyat” sebagai tugas terpenting yang mereka mahu wakil rakyat laksanakan; lebih tinggi dari mendedahkan skandal 1MDB dan menukar Perdana Menteri semata-mata

Dapatan-dapatan ini memberi panduan kepada saya bahawa tumpuan pimpinan Pakatan Harapan dan wakil rakyat sewajarnya untuk kembali membela nasib rakyat dengan memperjuangkan penyelesaian kepada masalah-masalah harian mereka.

Kupasan skandal 1MDB tidak boleh berlegar kepada berapa banyak wang yang telah diselewengkan dan kemewahan keluarga Perdana Menteri semata-mata. Ia perlu diterjemahkan kepada kesannya kepada kehidupan seharian rakyat dalam bentuk kos pendidikan tinggi yang makin tinggi, kos sara hidup, kelewatan bayaran caruman LTAT kepada pesara tentera, penggunaan dana awam dalam projek yang tidak sesuai dan lain-lain.

Oleh sebab inilah saya jarang mengulas mengenai skandal 1MDB dan polemik politik menukar Perdana Menteri semata-mata kerana ia wajar diimbangi dengan pembelaan rakyat yang ada kesan nyata pada kehidupan harian mereka.

Saya akan gunakan saki baki beberapa bulan yang saya ada (mengambil kira kemungkinan saya akan dijatuhkan hukuman penjara) untuk membawa isu-isu rakyat agar dapat menjadi tumpuan umum. Isu-isu tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

1) Risiko keruntuhan model pembiayaan pendidikan tinggi melalui PTPTN yang akan bawa kesan besar kepada rakyat. Saya akan bentangkan kertas kajian saya di Kongres Mahasiswa Kebangsaan Ke-2 pada 17 September 2016 ini.

2) Membela pesara tentera dan perajurit untuk memastikan kebajikan mereka terjaga dan mendapat bayaran caruman yang tepat pada masa. Saya akan umumkan siri dialog dengan pesara tentera esok.

3) Membela golongan muda dengan menumpukan kepada persoalan peluang pekerjaan yang lebih adil, soal penggajian dan undang-undang muflis yang tidak adil. Saya akan lancarkan satu NGO khusus untuk memperjuangkan isu-isu ini dalam bulan Oktober.

4) Menjaga wang rakyat dalam tabung-tabung rakyat seperti Tabung Haji, Felda, KWAP, PNB dan KWSP. Saya akan menyambung kembali pendedahan saya mengenai kelemahan pengurusan di Tabung Haji selepas Hari Raya Aildiladha minggu depan.

Saya mengecam semua pimpinan perkhidmatan awam di peringkat atasan yang bersekongkol memangsakan rakyat kerana pentingkan kedudukan dan pangkat.

Saya mengecam semua pimpinan di syarikat-syarikat dan tabung milik rakyat yang menjadi pengatur bagi membolehkan penguasa memakan harta rakyat.

Saya mengecam semua pimpinan politik yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung membenarkan rakyat terus dimangsakan dan dipijak walaupun negara sudah bebas dari pentadbiran penjajah 59 tahun lalu.

Saya mengecam semua pimpinan masyarakat yang memberi pelbagai alasan untuk tidak lantang bersuara membidas pihak-pihak yang mempunyai kuasa sehingga golongan muda berdepan dengan risiko mewarisi hutang negara yang diluar kemampuan mereka menanggungnya.

Anda bergembira dan bermewah dengan habuan gaji dan kedudukan yang anda ada sedangkan sumbernya itu datang dari rakyat. Anda akan diadili suatu hari nanti dan saya doakan anda berpeluang memperbetulkan kesilapan lalu.

12 bulan akan datang adalah pecutan terakhir yang perlu meletakkan rakyat di hadapan. In Sya Allah masa beberapa bulan yang berbaki ini saya akan memberi sepenuh komitmen kepada kebajikan rakyat.

Ahli Parlimen Pandan
Setiausaha Agong/Naib Presiden KEADILAN

1 September 2016

Happy Birthday Saudara Anwar: The Journey Is Not Putrajaya

Dear Dato’ Seri

I don’t know how exactly a person behind bars celebrates his birthday; something that I have to think about too ha3 (more of that later). Whatever it is, I pray to Allah without miss that you will be as fit as you can possibly be (given the circumstances) so that you will eventually witness the change you had dedicated your life for. Happy birthday and if you are around I know you will be humming some songs. I can’t remember your age because it doesn’t matter much (though I know we are 30 years apart *wink wink*).

Every year, 10th of August has become significant in my life not just because it is your birthday but it was the date that finally intertwined my life to yours. I don’t think you remember but it was at a ceramah on 10th August 2009 in Kemaman that I bumped onto you and you discovered I had left PETRONAS and was no longer bonded to them. Within weeks we met again at Parliament and a few months later I put my corporate career on cold storage to join your office.




Much has happened since then and what an adventure it was. I did not regret a single moment of it and I learnt a lot about humility, sincerity, honesty, integrity and loyalty in the last seven years. I feel I am now at an end of one chapter and as I made preparation for the eventuality of a paid long vacation courtesy of His Majesty’s government, I want to tell you that you had made an impact so great to the society that the change you yearn so much is unstoppable. It will come in one way or another.

“Funny When You Are Dead People Will Start Listening”

Obviously my optimism is not shared by 99.9999% of the population given the unending political drama with twists and turns that can match even the most dramatic Latino soap opera. However underneath the frustration and deadlock, eventually the public will accept a few realities that previously they chose to ignore.

One of the most important outcome of the turmoil is the realization that you are central to any plan for reform. Without you any design for a change of government or system in this country is not realistic. When you were around you had to absorb all the blames because it was easy to blame you. When you were around people look for other leaders because they find fault with you. Since the day you were unjustly taken away, the people began to miss you (and your charisma that galvanized and glued the opposition forces for 18 years since 1998) because they know it is unlikely that anyone else can bring everyone to the negotiating table the way you had done.

As more and more Malaysians search their soul for what had gone wrong that we are unable to remove a Prime Minister that is as good as crippled politically, they will quietly agree that what is missing is no longer the reason and justification to remove Dato’ Seri Najib. What is missing is that one person who can unite everyone and command the respect of the people with moral authority to face up to the task of removing Dato’ Seri Najib.

And they will think of you and hopefully realize it was a folly to sit down idly when you were put behind bars again. I hope many of us look back and wonder how it would have been different if we had recognized that an assault on you then using the state institutions was an assault to the whole society because the system that had failed you would have failed everyone else too.

Every now and then I listen to a country song about dying young (not that I am so melodramatic about life). It ends with a very apt observation: funny when you are dead then people will start listening.

Free Anwar Ibrahim

If the above hypothesis is correct, then the immediate remedy to the current political stalemate is actually quite straight forward: if your removal (as part of a grand design to destabilize the opposition) had created the leadership vacuum that rendered Pakatan Harapan (previously Pakatan Rakyat) less effective to corner Najib, your presence will rectify that.

This is where I remain skeptical that we will see an end to the political impasse in the next few months. Unless and until the opposition forces and the public at large understand that securing your release is not your personal agenda but a necessity to give reform a chance; the anti-Najib forces will continue to be rudderless for a while.

Tonight’s gathering at Sungai Buloh Prison may provide a glimpse of clue whether or not the public understand the importance of your release. If they do, they will turn out more than usual and the momentum to pressure Najib to release you will pick up again. Given how weak Najib is, a strong momentum that translates into a public pressure on him will force him to consider a compromise.

Unfortunately I remain skeptical. However whatever the outcome is tonight, we should re-calibrate our strategy and tactics to re-position your release as a key national agenda in order to fill up the leadership vacuum in the opposition camp because that vacuum has become a life-support machine for Najib.

Bring Back National Discourse On Policy

Speaking of re-calibration, one of the most disturbing developments since the last one year was the pre-occupation with the removal of Najib as a single national objective to the point that it completely drowned any discourse on specifics of reforms. Since July 2015 when the public found out about the RM2.6 billion, it was as if we were a society in suspension – everything and anything that is not about removing Najib would have to be deferred or suspended until after he is removed.

I understood the necessity then on the basis that the outpouring of anger and shock; if galvanized properly would have translated into a momentum that could have pressured Najib to resign. But not everyone can inspire hundreds of thousands of people to go to the streets. In fact I think you may be the only politician since 1957 that had successfully done that on a number of occasions.

We clearly had missed the opportunity – then and now. While missing an opportunity is a common occurrence in politics as famously pointed out by Churchill’s “success is not final and mistake is not fatal”, the inability to realize that it was a missed opportunity hence the urgent need to switch tactics worries me. To make it worse, the online media that are more sympathetic to balanced reporting also generally choose to focus on the removal of Najib since July 2015.

This provides a key answer that to a key question that had been bewildering many observers: why is it that despite the abundance of evidence against Najib and the colossal amount of public money involved, the public (especially the Malays) do not seem to bother that much?

Since the terrible twin defeat of Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar, I spent a considerable time sampling responses from the public through the social media to search for the answer to that key question.

Through my interaction and observation, I can conclude that while the public understand the magnitude of what Najib had done; we have not been successful in explaining to them how Najib’s removal can benefit them? We have strayed further and further away from the most basic political strategy i.e. to make sure the key stakeholders understand and appreciate what’s in it for them. When you add the constant squabbling of the opposition leaders and parties into that sentiment, you understand why an average voter is not too excited to do anything in spite of their disgust of Najib.

We can only answer the what’s in it for me question by drilling down our offerings that can make their life better. By proving that our solution to Umno’s bad policies will work. By demonstrating competencies and capabilities when all that Umno can showcase is ministers competing with each other to defend Najib.

Therefore, the good news is I think we know what we need to do next. We have to go back on policy discourse and mount an offensive challenge of all the policies and practices that had created the system that produced Najib. I am a bit jittery that if we don’t do this, the public will forget that Najib does not create the system, it was the system that nurtured him and his mastery of the system of patronage and money that had allowed him to do all this and seems to get away with it.

After all, the devil is always in the details. I am confident that once we go back to discussing policy details, many of the answers to the unanswered questions so far will come by itself.

Our Journey Is Not Putrajaya

The other good news that I want to share with you is that most of my generation in KEADILAN understand that our journey and destination has never been Putrajaya. We were sidetracked a bit for a short period, but now we understand that what we seek is an uplifting of the society.

We want to leave behind a society that is matured, guided by virtues, propelled by a desire to always be better than the day before. A society that holds on to integrity, honesty and fairness as its final protection from all the ills of the world. A society that shall never look away every time an injustice is committed amongst them and weep as hard for others’ suffering as if it is their own.

We can only create this society if we undo every piece of law, every practice, every feudalistic inclination and every injustice that exist in the system we use to govern us. This is a long journey – maybe beyond the time given to you and me. We can only do what we can with the space and time given to us.

Lately I find more peace and humility now that I remember why as a young 21 years old in 1998 I believed your words about reforms, honesty and kindness. I now remember that Putrajaya was never an objective.

As to whether we will ever have a chance to make a difference from the corridors of Putrajaya, I always remember what Samwise Gamgee said to Frodo Baggins on a boat as the latter poignantly whispered to himself that he would never see the rest ever again: “We may yet Mr Frodo, we may yet!”

Happy 69th birthday Saudara Anwar – may your days will always bring kindness and goodness to those around you. We are all but a tiny speck of dust in Allah’s greater scheme of things.

I will sing Happy Birthday to you from the outside wall tonight. Have some rest.

Rafizi Ramli
10 August 2016

Rafizi Ramli is writing a book “Letters to Sungai Buloh: The Malaysian Conundrum” that features this and other monologues in the form of letters to Anwar Ibrahim on various issues. He initially planned to complete the book 4 months ago but the deadline keeps moving. He blames his many court appearances for the delay.

2016 And Beyond

I don’t have a habit of writing a new year message let alone having new year resolutions. But I stumbled on a piece I wrote on 31 December 2010 that somehow relates to what I generally feel at this junction.

2015 must have felt bad and painful, the sort of year many people do not want to look back. We feel like we are stuck. We can neither move forward nor fall back. We become negative and pessimistic about everything.

We are stuck. In a long drawn war, this is called a stalemate. We need a breakthrough.

But breakthrough does not come with complaining or self-pity. You don’t turn a course of an event by waiting for things to happen. Paralysis of decision does not resolve anything.

I re-read this piece and realized that was me in 2010. A lot more naïve and full of spirit. It reminds me that whatever frustration or injuries I have taken since; the only way is to march forward.

I hope you may find some solace out of this piece and it comforts you as it did me.

Brace for worse things to come in 2016!


Saying time really flies becomes such an understatement nowadays. It doesn’t just fly, it disappears in a blink of an eye.

2010 was intense. I said good bye to a mundane corporate job in 2009, thinking that I could take one day at a time in a new role. I remember spending some time designing the whole organisation and finalising position description, but it wasn’t long before things were overtaken by the intense events of 2010.

My official return to the party inner circle was greeted with the departure of the previous Secretary General, who by co-incidence was also an acquaintance. Not long after that, the notorious defection of the 5 MPs marred the start of 2010.

Just as we were picking things up, the protracted attacks on the party (internally and externally) as a result of our election bogged things further. I too had to go through a maturing few months as I threw the gauntlet for the AMK post.

In the midst of this, many things had to happen behind the scene to keep things together. There were a lot of frustrations, but the very little joy you gained seeing the little contribution to the struggle makes it worthwhile.

I learnt a lot in 2010. I saw the strength and burden of a group of people who genuinely wanted to change the country for the better, as they face constant attacks. I saw the personal side of the public politicians whose public persona often makes people forget that they too are human beings, just like you and me.

I saw heroism and I saw betrayals. I witnessed honesty contrasted with back-stabbing.

Throughout all of this, I make new friends and comrades most of whom appear out of nowhere. I renew faith in the people of the past whose paths had strayed away temporarily.

2010 was intense, but so was the lessons it imparts. It drains us immensely yet it grounds us firmly on this path too.

A few days ago, I sat down with a young guy (barely early 20s) who is so eager to come onboard and help the party. I keep asking whether he knows what he wants in life, or whether he understands that politics in KEADILAN must come from idealism so that you stay true to that promise you made when you first decide to enter the ring.

I wanted to change the world in 1998 when I was 21. Along the way, I realise the world was not for me to change; I was just an insignificant traveller looking for Allah’s blessing. By the time I was 30, I understood the meaning of a struggle, seeing the very one person who was the biggest motivation for me to be in politics lied lifeless having forfeited everything for his idealism.

Idealism is painful. More often than not it sows a bitterness that had turned so many of the past activists of KEADILAN against the party.

For things do not change quickly. Lest we forget, everything that is worth fighting for is worth waiting, no matter how long it will take.

And this struggle will be long and outlive us. I don’t pretend to know what 2011 has in store for us – but it’s going to be more intense.

Just as BN will step up the attacks, they can be sure of our new year vow that we will return every brick they throw at us with a bigger brick.

2011 is going to be difficult, but the pain of 2010 would have made us more matured.

So bring it on, 2011

Akuan Berkanun Pengisytiharan Harta

10 MAC 2015

Bersama-sama ini saya sertakan Akuan Berkanun (statutory declaration) yang saya sempurnakan pada hari ini dengan perincian harta, hutang, pendapatan dan perbelanjaan saya sebagai Ahli Parlimen. Saya juga memberikan latar belakang pendapatan dan kedudukan harta saya sebelum saya menjadi ahli politik dan wakil rakyat.

Download (PDF, 596KB)

Perincian ini disertakan juga dengan bukti dokumen dari penyata-penyata bank, simpanan dan lain-lain. Bukti mengenai nilaian harta dan kenderaan boleh didapati sendiri di laman internet.

Saya mengambil langkah ini untuk menyahut cabaran pemimpin Umno sebelum ini supaya pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat mengisytiharkan harta. Saya percaya jika saya yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa jawatan kerajaan dan tidak mempunyai kuasa boleh mengisytiharkan harta, maka menjadi tanggungjawab moral dan amanah bagi setiap Menteri di dalam Jemaah Menteri hinggalah ke Perdana Menteri untuk turut mengisytiharkan harta, hutang, pendapatan dan perbelanjaan.

Saya menasihatkan Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak menggunakan kaedah ini untuk membersihkan namanya yang dikaitkan dengan kemewahan yang tidak berpadanan dengan gaji. Jika benar beliau mewarisi harta yang banyak dari Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak Dato’ Hussein seperti kenyataan Pejabat Perdana Menteri, maka beliau perlu memperincikan setiap harta warisan itu seperti mana saya memperincikan harta saya.

Saya yakin langkah mengisytiharkan harta sebegini disokong sepenuhnya oleh rakyat.