Kenyataan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Timbalan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional bahawa harga kereta akan turun apabila Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN (AFTA) dilaksanakan sepenuhnya membayangkan beliau tidak memahami struktur cukai kereta yang dilaksanakan sendiri oleh Barisan Nasional.
Sekarang pun, AFTA sudah pun dilaksanakan apabila pembelian kereta-kereta yang dikilang di ASEAN tidak dikenakan sebarang cukai import. AFTA dilaksanakan untuk menghapuskan halangan dagangan (trade barriers) dalam bentuk tarif import supaya barangan boleh bergerak bebas tanpa diskriminasi harga di dalam lingkungan pasaran besar ASEAN.
Yang menyebabkan harga kereta naik melambung adalah cukai eksais dan cukai jualan yang dikenakan dari kadar minima 85% hingga ke 115% ke atas harga asal kereta. Cukai eksais dan cukai jualan inilah yang menjadikan harga jualan kereta bertambah satu kali ganda, bukannya cukai import kerana AFTA telah pun menghapuskan cukai import ke atas kereta-kereta dari negara ASEAN.
Setiap tahun, 90% dari kereta yang dijual di Malaysia dikilang di Malaysia atau negara-negara ASEAN. Oleh yang demikian, untuk menurunkan harga kereta, dasar percukaian negara perlu ditukar dengan menghapuskan cukai eksais ke atas kereta seperti yang dicadangkan oleh KEADILAN.
Sebab itu, apabila Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sendiri tidak memahami faktor yang meningkatkan harga kereta sekali ganda, ini menimbulkan keraguan sama ada Barisan Nasional betul-betul ikhlas dengan janjinya untuk menurunkan harga kereta. Lebih membimbangkan, kenyataan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yang mengaitkan penurunan harga kereta dengan pelaksanaan AFTA membayangkan bahawa janji itu hanya satu gimik politik yang tidak akan dilaksanakan oleh Barisan Nasional sekiranya menang nanti.
Makanya, saya menyeru supaya Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin memberi penjelasan sama ada:
1. Beliau tidak faham tentang struktur percukaian negara dan tersilap membuat kenyataan apabila menyebut pelaksanaan AFTA akan menurunkan harga kereta; atau
2. Beliau tahu rancangan Barisan Nasional untuk mengaitkan janji menurunkan harga kereta dengan AFTA tetapi bukan cukai eksais, sekaligus mengesahkan bahawa Barisan Nasional tidak ikhlas untuk melaksanakan penurunan harga kereta
Saya tidak pun akan memberi sebarang maklum balas terhadap kenyataan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin bahawa Pakatan Rakyatlah yang menciplak Manifesto BN. Itu satu kenyataan bertaraf kebudak-budakan yang tidak selayaknya datang dari seorang bekas menteri kanan, maka ia tidak layak untuk diambil serius oleh rakyat Malaysia.
Pengarah Strategi
10 APRIL 2013
assalamualaikum. sorry to interrupt you. i just wanna ask regrding this hot issue. So said a friend of mine,
” In America, tax for hybrid cars is about 12%. But the final price is way cheaper than Malaysia. Here, the Government does not impose any tax for hybrid cars but the price still expensive. That is what we call economy of scale. Car market in America is way too big than Malaysia. As such car makers can put the price at a suitable range that will still make triple fold profit for them. Lots of demand. Big pond to play and hunt. But we cannot do that in here. The market is not that big. Hence, even all those levied and imposed by Government gone, the price will ever be expensive. It’s all about economy of scale”.
I don’t know this scale he talked about as I’m only a proud owner of Proton. can you define what it mean by economic scale ??? it is influence the car price?? i’m not economic-based student.
I was only a mediocre student in Economics so I will let Wikipedia translates my understanding – “Economies of scale are the cost advantages that enterprises obtain due to size, with cost per unit of output generally decreasing with increasing scale as fixed costs are spread out over more units of output. Often operational efficiency is also greater with increasing scale, leading to lower variable cost as well.”
In layman terms, when a corporation produces something, there will be fixed costs (eg: manufacturing facility) and variable costs (eg: total materials used which depends on how many units you produce). As more units are produced, the fixed costs per unit will get cheaper as it is divided over a bigger number i.e. a car manufacturing plant producing 4000 cars will have cheaper costs per unit than a plant producing 2000 cars.
But this is neither here nor there. I have little idea on how New Zealand economy works (it can probably be easily researched), but with a population of roughly 4 million (yes, FOUR) they can afford to sell cars at prices of about 2 times cheaper than ours so I don’t see why it can’t be done here.
New Zealand closed down all of the local assembly plant when they open up the market, it’s not strategic to have manufacturer to work on a small scale. they are 100% imported now.
the question here is why the our national car is not competitive enough ? ( everyone knows the reason ) if they are able to export, their production cost would be much more lower. and why should we still holding this pride of being able to produce car that nobody beside our nation is force to consume it.
He was the Trade Minister to replace Rafidah Aziz after 2008 election.
Minta Saudara Rafizi buat perbandingan harga petrol bersubsidi dengan harga kereta bercukai. Dalam masa 5-10 tahun berapa byk subsidi minyak diterima berbanding dengan cukai. Saya jangka cukai lebih tinggi drp subsidi.
Tahniah atas usaha saudara. Saya doakan anda maju jaya memakmurkan Malaysia. In sya Allah.
ahmad mursyidi,
do you want to know why Prius in Malaysia expensive? Reason is AP. Prius in malaysia still need to pay AP to this Express Millionaire Malay AP owner. About 50K per AP. Rafizi please verify this. My friend of mine bought a Prius last year and found out this on his document.
Government reduces car import taxes
March 1, 2013
Farah Adilla
PUTRAJAYA: The government announced yesterday reductions on import taxes on vehicles from Japan and Australia and that it is talking with local industry players on the possibility of cutting the more substantial excise duties on auto imports.
International Trade and Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamed said any reduction in excise duties will not be anytime soon due to the implications of such a move to the local auto industry and the welfare of its 300,000 workers.
“The contribution of excise duties to the economy is huge. The government is monitoring the issue closely but we are not planning for the cut anytime soon.
“The work is in progress,” he told a press conference here yesterday. A cut in excise duties on imports, which ranges from 30% to 100%, had been widely anticipated when the ministry said it was making an announcement on car price reductions.
This prospect re-opened the debate over the implications, including its impact on the value of second hand cars. Analysts said if the price of new cars drop significantly because of the tariff cut, the price difference between new and used cars at current prices will narrow to a point where the consumer will opt for the new purchase.
Analysts said any reduction in excise duties should be implemented gradually to lessen the impact on the used car market.
“The government has been mulling this idea of reduction in excise duties for some time, but I feel that the reduction should not be too drastic as it will negatively impact the second hand car market,” an analyst with a local stockbroking company told The Malaysian Reserve.
Mustapa announced yesterday that import duties have been reduced from 30% to 15% for Japanese cars and to 13.6% for Australian cars and will be phased out to zero in three years.
He said the price of imports will be further reduced when the auto industry is liberalised under various free trade agreements (FTAs) that will come into force in 2016.
“The reduction in car prices is also a result of measures taken by the government to make the industry more efficient and competitive,” added Mustapa.
Under the Asean Free Trade Agreement, import duties on cars orignating from within the Asean membership have been eliminated from Jan 1, 2010. Mustapa said the government is currently in talks with the European Union, Turkey and Bangladesh to sign the bilateral FTAs.
Meanwhile, national carmaker Proton Holdings Bhd said the company welcomes the government’s decision to gradually introduce new policies that would reduce the prices of cars in the country.
“As this involves the entire ecochain of the industry, Proton will further study all aspects relating thereto and possible impact it has on not only the company but the entire local automotive industry.
“Any decision on this will be made after due discussions and consideration with all our stakeholders, which include our vendors, suppliers, dealers, pre-owned vehicle operators and the consumers,” the company said in a statement yesterday.…r-import-taxes/
Ariff Abdullah: Tiada penerangan terperinci mengenai jenis model yang dikurangkan cukai…kalau Jenama Honda daripada Jepun,kemungkinan hanya model Civic Type-R dan model-model yang mahal sahaja yang dipasang di Jepun…untuk model kelas sedan yang lain semuanya tidak dikilangkan di Jepun dan berkemungkinan tidak mendapat penurunan cukai…
Sorry to say. For me the idea of getting the price lower is a good idea.
Urban getting more jammed, parking gonna be so expensive.
Orang kaya je la untung.
are the government income from the excise duties & tariff import are paid to 300thousand motor vehicle industry workers?