It feels like ages since I even remember about the blog. Actually I think about it all the time, I just couldn’t discipline myself to allocate at least half an hour a week to blog.
I blame it on Twitter as whatever thoughts you have you can share instantly with others. The magic of Twitter means you interact closer with you peers and in more real time.
Anyhow, I hope I can be more disciplined to at least write a few thoughts on current issues, especially on issues relating to economic hardship faced by the people.
A discourse on whether or not we can lower down fuel price is an important debate that has not been brought to the mainstream of the society. This is one area which I hope I can contribute through this blog and I hope to engage readers out there.
(ps: Actually am testing whether blogging through iPhone is manageable, quite good 🙂 )
“I hope I can be more disciplined to at least write a few thoughts on current issues, especially on issues relating to economic hardship faced by the people”
Looking forward to your NEXT post! 🙂