All posts by rafiziramli

Kenyataan Media SA: Jangan Lari Persoalan Rekod Pembelaan Rakyat Terbanyak

Saya merujuk kepada pelbagai kenyataan yang dibuat berkenaan isu ketuanan rakyat, terutamanya dari kalangan pimpinan Umno.

Pertamanya, saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada pimpinan Umno, PERKASA dan kaum-kerabat mereka yang tidak pernah gagal mengingatkan rakyat Malaysia bahaya politik perkauman sempit. Dalam satu minggu yang lepas, segala usaha pentadbiran Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak melalui kempen 1Malaysia yang menelan belanja puluhan juta ringgit menggunakan wang rakyat; hancur musnah apabila pimpinan-pimpinan Umno dan PERKASA menunjukkan kembali wajah sebenar mereka. Tidak kira berapa banyak wang yang dibayar kepada perunding antarabangsa sekalipun, budaya perkauman sempit yang dibawa oleh Umno dan Barisan Nasional tidak akan hilang kerana ia sudah menjadi sebahagian daripada darah daging mereka.

Pun begitu, saya melahirkan rasa kesal kerana Umno dan PERKASA tidak mahu berdepan dengan gagasan yang dibawa oleh KEADILAN dalam Kongres Nasional Ke-7 baru-baru ini. Gagasan tersebut, seperti yang disampaikan oleh Presiden parti Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, menyentuh mengenai mekanisme terbaik untuk membela orang Melayu. Persoalan yang dilontarkan oleh Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah adalah mudah; iaitu kaedah bagaimana yang boleh menjamin kelangsungan dan darjat orang Melayu yang akan dihormati dan bermaruah, dalam kerangka masyarakat pelbagai kaum yang ada di Malaysia dan arus globalisasi yang deras meninggalkan kita?

Kaedah sedia ada dibawa oleh Umno – iaitu mengabui mata rakyat mengenai hak mereka (melalui Umno) untuk terus berkuasa tidak kira prestasi mereka dan kebajikan rakyat keseluruhannya, terutamanya nasib orang Melayu. Konsep “Ketuanan Melayu” yang dilaungkan secara terbuka dan dibisikkan secara senyap ini oleh BTN dan agensi-agensi lain, menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu bahawa perubahan kerajaan kepada pakatan politik yang lain akan menyebabkan orang Melayu hilang kuasa. Apabila orang Melayu hilang kuasa, maka nasib orang Melayu akan terjejas dan akan tertindas.

Sebab itu, saya menganggap bahawa tindakan Umno dan PERKASA mengheret institusi Raja-Raja Melayu dengan mentaklikkan “Ketuanan Melayu” sebagai “Ketuanan Sultan” adalah satu tindakan yang bacul di pihak Umno dan PERKASA. Mereka tidak mampu berdepan dengan persoalan penting membicarakan kaedah terbaik membela orang Melayu terbanyak seperti yang ditimbulkan KEADILAN, lalu mereka cuba menggunakan institusi Raja-Raja Melayu. Tindakan seperti inilah sebenarnya yang menghina institusi Raja-Raja Melayu kerana ia tidak menghormati kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu yang memayungi seluruh rakyat jelata tidak mengira kaum, agama dan pegangan politik.

Namun, tindakan Umno dan PERKASA itu bukanlah perkara baru. Rekod mereka mencalarkan kedudukan institusi Raja-Raja Melayu di mata rakyat sudah diketahui umum. Krisis-krisis perlembagaan yang melemahkan institusi Raja-Raja Melayu dalam tahun 1983 dan 1993 dicetuskan oleh Umno. Lebih malang, dalam kedua-dua siri krisis perlembagaan yang disusun oleh Umno itu, berlaku serangan-serangan yang bertujuan mengaibkan Raja-Raja Melayu dalam akhbar-akhbar dan media milik mereka. Ada beza yang besar diantara cakap-cakap seorang dua rakyat jelata yang dituduh mempersoalkan kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu, dengan satu gerakan tersusun yang dilaksanakan secara besar-besaran oleh sebuah parti politik yang mengaku mempertahankan Ketuanan Melayu.

Saya beri amaran supaya Umno dan PERKASA jangan lagi cuba memfitnah KEADILAN dan Pakatan Rakyat dalam perkara ini. Dasar Bersama Pakatan Rakyat yang diluluskan pada 19 Disember 2009, secara jelas mempertahankan kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan Bumiputra dan institusi raja berpelembagaan.

Ini dinyatakan dalam Fasal 1 Perkara a(i) “Pakatan Rakyat akan mempertahankan Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Islam sebagai agama bagi Persekutuan dan agama-agama lain boleh diamalkan dengan aman dan damai di mana-mana di negara ini serta melindungi kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan anak negeri mana-mana antara Negeri Sabah dan Sarawak serta kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain sejajar dengan Perkara 153”; dan Fasal 1 Perkara a(ii) “Pakatan Rakyat akan mempertahankan peranan dan tanggungjawab institusi raja berpelembagaan”.

Makanya, KEADILAN ingin membawa kembali polemik “Ketuanan Melayu” ini kepada perkara dasar yang diulas oleh Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail – iaitu wacana kaedah terbaik untuk melahirkan anak bangsa Melayu yang beriman, boleh berdikari, berprinsip dan berdaya juang supaya mereka kekal bermaruah dalam kerangka masyarakat pelbagai kaum di negara ini dan arus globalisasi mutakhir.

Apakah kaedah Umno yang memperkecilkan kebolehan anak Melayu, dengan menakut-nakutkan mereka dan menimbulkan rasa curiga terhadap semua yang bukan Melayu, akan berjaya melahirkan anak bangsa Melayu yang bermaruah?

Apakah “Ketuanan Melayu” yang berpaksikan kepada sistem kroni dan mendokong rasuah dengan menghamburkan kekayaan negara kepada beberapa kroni rapat Umno (tanpa mengira kaum) akan melahirkan golongan peniaga Melayu yang berdaya maju? Apakah budaya rasuah yang berleluasa di dalam Umno akan menjamin kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu tidak akan dijual suatu hari nanti?

Apakah anak bangsa Melayu yang membesar dengan perasaan curiga akan dapat mengambil pendekatan positif menunggang arus globalisasi untuk menjadi pemimpin antarabangsa?

Persoalan yang dibawa oleh KEADILAN adalah persoalan jatidiri dan kaedah terbaik membina jatidiri tersebut. Kaedah “Ketuanan Melayu” yang dibawa oleh Umno dan PERKASA bukan sahaja terbukti gagal membina jatidiri orang Melayu, malah menyebabkan kebajikan rakyat terbanyak (terutamanya golongan berpendapatan rendah yang majoritinya orang Melayu) terabai.

Sehingga kini, selepas 3 dekad “Ketuanan Melayu”, 75% dari bilangan keluarga yang pendapatan isi rumahnya di bawah RM2,000 adalah orang Melayu. Golongan ini jugalah yang dikategorikan sebagai golongan 40% paling miskin di Malaysia, seperti yang dihuraikan Perdana Menteri sendiri dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10.

Selepas 3 dekad “Ketuanan Melayu”, rakyat terbanyak juga yang dibebankan dengan pemotongan subsidi sedangkan subsidi korporat sebanyak RM19 bilion setahun (dalam bentuk subsidi gas kepada penjana bebas) tidak disentuh. Umno dan PERKASA tidak melahirkan sedikit keluhan pun apabila bantuan kepada rakyat termiskin, yang rata-ratanya orang Melayu ditarik setiap enam bulan untuk menampung perbelanjaan boros kerajaan membayar perunding antarabangsa, sedangkan tidak ada satu mekanisme pun diperkenalkan untuk menyalurkan kembali rasionalisasi subsidi kepada golongan termiskin ini.

Justeru, KEADILAN yakin bahawa polemik “Ketuanan Melayu” ini adalah benteng terakhir Umno dan PERKASA yang kian rapuh dan ditolak rakyat. Demi melahirkan Malaysia yang majmuk, mengamalkan toleransi dan berdaya saing, KEADILAN akan konsisten membawa gagasan Ketuanan Rakyat melalui bangsa yang bermaruah – kerana kami yakin gagasan ini tidak dapat dijawab oleh Umno dan PERKASA.



Tidak Banyak Yang Berubah ;-)

Ahad lalu beribu-ribu yang turun menyertai rapat umum membantah kebongkakan Syabas dan kroni Umno untuk terus menindas rakyat.

Seperti biasa, perkara biasa yang ditimbulkan oleh sesetengah pihak:

1) Kenapa perlu merosakkan ketenteraman awam dan menyusahkan “rakyat”

2) Kenapa tidak dibuat di dalam stadium sahaja, senang dan tidak perlu berdepan dengan polis

Saya agak letih melayan pandangan-pandangan sebegini yang tidak mengerti bahawa hak untuk berkumpul itu adalah hak rakyat. Jika kita mengambil pendekatan berdolak dalih seperti menerima hujah tempang bahawa rapat umum hanya boleh dibuat di stadium tertutup demi “kesenangan” sesetengah pihak, maka kita menerima dan mengiyakan bahawa pihak berkuasa boleh menakrifkan ruang litup “hak rakyat” ikut sesuka hati mereka.

Maka, perkara berkumpul di tempat awam bagi rapat umum, adalah perkara prinsip. Jika kita berundur dari prinsip itu, maka lunturlah prinsip.

Pun begitu, rapat umum berjalan dengan baik di sebalik semburan air asid dan gas pemedih mata. Saya perhatikan ramai anak-anak muda yang mengambil tempat di depan, maka all is not lost and those who come later are in the good footsteps of those before them.

Yang agak menarik adalah dengan kehadiran media baru, liputan serta-merta dapat dikongsi secara terus dengan orang ramai di seluruh dunia, siap dengan gambarnya sekali. Terima kasih Twitter dan blackberry.


Ramai juga yang tidak faham bahawa double standard pihak polis yang membenarkan perarakan dan rapat umum kumpulan-kumpulan sebelah sana seperti PERKASA, UMNO dan terbaru GAPS adalah bukti bahawa jalan kekerasan yang diambil polis bukanlah sangat atas pertimbangan keselamatan awam, tetapi pertimbangan politik.

Tidak banyak yang berubah walau kepalanya sudah berubah 😉

More Discipline With Blog (ha ha)

This blog is dilapidated for the last one month (or so). Things took the turn for the worse when one after another event came along the way, that this blog has ended in utter neglect.

But just like everything else in life, all it takes is an adjustment. I recalculate the time I spend every day on e-mails, FB, reading news and Twitter and realise that with some streamlining, all it takes is just half an hour every day to put my thoughts here.

Or when I am waiting for something or when time is idle – eg. waiting for lift, at clinics or for food to be served, I guess there is enough time to blog. After all, blog is supposed to be what is in your mind naturally.

The only trick is not to be tied to a laptop and wifi.

I have been trying to configure blogging through email but that did not work well, I messed the code quite a bit (Note 1).

But someone (a young friend – Baang) pointed out that there is already a wordpress application for Blackberry – so suddenly blogging is at our fingertips and mobile too.

So here I am, hoping that my response time to issues, comments etc will be a lot quicker after this.

For now, Pakatan Convention is next weekend and there’s plenty of work (ha ha which somehow finds its way to you last minute *wink wink*) to be done in a short time. Sigh.

Welcome back to the blog 🙂


I did Electronics & Electrical Engineering for a degree, a large portion of which involved programming (C or C++). I used to hate programming so much in uni and at one point (in my final year) went to see the Head of Faculty telling him I wanted to change from EEE to History (he laughed of course).

But at the height of reformasi, suddenly programming (via HTML at the time) became a necessity as we scrambled to find a room to contribute.

And that was how I reconnected with the technical side – while finishing my accountancy exam in London, a great portion of the free time was spent relearning programming languages, especially the ones relating to websites and databases.

The one person who first coined the term “necessity is the mother of any invention” is one of the most gifted among us 🙂

NEM & Subsidy Removal: Proof Of BN’s Double Standard And Flagrant Inconsistency

The 5 sen price hike imposed on RON95 fuel is a second successive increase in 6 months. The announcement made by Dato’ Seri Idris Jala also included subsidy removal on other essential household items such as sugar (20 sen increase), diesel (5 sen increase) and LPG (5 sen increase).

While Barisan Nasional claims the quantum of these price hikes is too small to have an impact on the public, the policy direction that is taking shape cannot be mistaken. Barisan Nasional through PEMANDU has outlined (announced during Subsidy Rationalisation Open Day on 27 May 2010) a subsidy removal plan to impose a 6-monthly price hike on RON95 fuel. The announcement last night confirms that similar price hikes will take place in the future and perhaps at an even bigger quantum as the originally proposed quantum of price hike was at 10 sen per price hike for every 6 months[1].

A similar phased removal of subsidy on other essential household items was also outlined including the removal of gas subsidies extended to wealthy IPPs owned by business elites and cronies of Barisan Nasional. Amazingly, the only hikes implemented so far are on those items that hit directly on the people’s purse; not the cronies’.

PEMANDU estimated that a total of RM1.12 billion could be saved in 2010 if subsidies on gas price to IPPs and non-power sector are reduced. This could have been achieved if gas price to IPP and non-power sector is increased by RM4.65 per mmbtu and RM2.52 per mmbtu respectively. Currently, the government through PETRONAS subsidises the IPPs and industries to the tune of RM19 billion annually as the subsidised gas price of RM10.70 per mmbtu (for IPPs) is remarkably lower than the average market price of imported gas of RM38 per mmbtu (should the country need to import the gas to meet the demand against a shortfall in production).

Therefore, the Prime Minister and his government must answer why it is hell-bent on pushing for subsidy removal on fuel, sugar and LPG that will undoubtedly increase the burden of the lower income group; when similar zeal is not shown vis-a-vis the rich corporate giants?

This is more so when nothing has been done so far (despite promises after promises) to reform the subsidy allocation system. This is pivotal to ensure that the lower income group will continue to benefit from state assistance to counter the rising cost of living. PEMANDU seems to be extremely efficient at pushing for the subsidy removal; yet extremely slow at coming out with a solution to redistribute the subsidy that are meant for the poor.

Thus, I share the scepticism of the public in reviewing the recently announced concluding part of the NEM. Barisan Nasional outlines ambitious ideas and concepts on bringing reforms to the economy, yet its track record at implementing these ideas have been appalling.

Barisan Nasional talks about the necessity to reduce subsidy in order to cut the nation’s deficit as a result of its carefree spending in the last decade. It chases the small change in the form of subsidy removal on household items most widely used by the people, yet it procrastinates on confronting the real subsidy monsters (in the form of the IPPs).

In the end, the RM126 million saved from the 16th July’s 20-sen hike on sugar is not even enough to pay for PEMANDU’s own exorbitant cost as reported by Malaysiakini (3rd December 2010). Where is the moral authority of a government that takes RM126 million from the poor to pay RM66 million to consultants for the set up of a government unit and another RM65 million for its whole operation in 2010?

Hence, I take the recent announcement on NEM with a pinch of salt. Barisan Nasional will continue to hoodwink the public of its intention to transform the public sector, but it quietly  pays the new breed of civil servants in PEMANDU top of the range salaries that will easily beat the private sector.

Its NEM document dedicates a substantial part on promoting competition through liberalisation and deregulation, but behind closed doors it awarded a licence to operate the prized 700 MHz to YTL (yet again) without an open tender, much to the chagrin of the telecommunications industry.

There is a patent of flagrant inconsistency between the public pronouncement and the honesty to carry out the announcement. This is not surprising as the whole machination of this administration is based on the perpetuation of a public image crafted by firms of public relations that are paid by the taxpayers’ money – with the sole intention of buying Barisan Nasional additional time before the people casts their judgement.

The onus is then on Pakatan Rakyat and the people to keep a vigilant eye on each of the decision by this administration. If we fail in this endeavour, we are definitely en route to paying a fuel price at RM2.10 litre within a year’s time.




[1] Please refer to Subsidy Rationalisation Open Day, 27 May 2010

No surprise here, Zaid — The Malaysian Insider

NOV 8 — It is no surprise to hear that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has dropped out of the race for the PKR deputy presidency. Or quit all party posts.

It is no surprise that he feels “that any political party with such hypocritical and false values will not be able to offer meaningful reforms to the people of this country.”

It is no surprise that he doesn’t feel wanted anymore by the party. That his offer to run for the deputy presidency was seen by the “adoring fans of Anwar Ibrahim as a ‘spoiler’ standing in the way of their march to Putrajaya”.

The same thing happened to him in Umno. He joined the Abdullah administration in the aftermath of Election 2008 as the de facto law minister only to quit later over the detention of DAP leader Teresa Kok, blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin and journalist Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

The one-time Kota Baru MP was later kicked out of Umno after he was seen attending gatherings held by the party’s political foes.

The maverick politician joined PKR in June 2009 and was given a hero’s welcome but has apparently worn out that welcome with his run for the party’s No. 2 post.

He had big plans for the party. The lawyer, who built up the country’s largest partnership that bears his name, ran the secretariat to turn the informal Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact into a formal organisation comprising PKR, DAP and PAS.

He even quit the party political bureau to quell talk of ambition to replace Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim if the PKR de facto chief was ever jailed for sodomy again.

And offered to run for the No. 2 post if Anwar ran for the party presidency in its first-ever direct elections. Anwar declined.

But Zaid never seemed serious about his candidacy. His candidacy was contingent on Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim not entering the race. But he persisted when Khalid mulled the proposition.

He did the same when asking Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar to join the contest. She said no.

Today, Zaid pulled back his hat from the ring, citing “there is no attempt on the part of the party leadership to address the various issues of manipulation and unfair electoral practices, although these issues were raised repeatedly.”

It came as no surprise to many. It was always a matter of time especially after the votes from the Sabah chapter went the way of the popular vice-president Azmin Ali.

But Zaid joined PKR with both his eyes open. It’s a party built on the dreams of many but crafted from the DNA of Umno where most leaders, including Zaid, came from. Some things never change.

A pity. Zaid and others might have their grouses but his latest move will narrow his options. HIs image will also take a hit.

What he and PKR does in the next few days will be interesting. But no surprises expected.