Category Archives: KEADILAN

Presiden PAS Perlu Perjelas Laporan Straits Times Mengenai Kerjasama Dengan UMNO Rampas Selangor, Perbezaan Pendapat Dalam KEADILAN Perlu Diselesaikan Secara Muktamad

Saya merujuk kepada laporan Shanon Teoh (Ketua Biro akhbar Straits Times di Kuala Lumpur) yang disiarkan hari ini bertajuk “Umno, PAS plan assault on Selangor, woo former chief minister

Laporan itu dengan secara jelas menyatakan perkara-perkara berikut:

1. Bahawa Dato’ Seri Hadi Awang, Presiden PAS berhubung dengan Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, Perdana Menteri “hampir setiap hari sejak beberapa bulan” mengenai rancangan kerjasama PAS-Umno untuk merampas negeri Selangor

2. Bahawa Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, mantan Menteri Besar Selangor disebut-sebut sebagai calon Menteri Besar yang ingin diangkat melalui kerjasama ini dan telah dilihat mengunjungi pejabat Dato’ Seri Najib beberapa kali

3. Dato’ Seri Najib kerap bercakap dengan Dato’ Seri Hadi melalui telefon termasuk semasa Dato’ Seri Hadi sedang berehat selepas menjalani rawatan pembedahan dalam bulan Mei lalu

4. Satu dari perancangan ialah supaya PAS bertanding 42 kerusi untuk memastikan undi Melayu kepada Pakatan Harapan berkurangan

Ini adalah satu laporan yang membawa tuduhan berat kepada kredibiliti PAS dan Dato’ Seri Hadi sendiri. Saya faham bagaimana wartawan kanan seperti Shanon begitu teliti dengan etika kewartawanan dan hanya akan menulis laporan sebegini selepas bercakap dengan sumber-sumber sahih yang dekat dengan kedua-dua pimpinan PAS dan Umno itu.

Oleh yang demikian, saya meminta supaya Dato’ Seri Hadi membuat penjelasan segera mengenai laporan ini kerana ia ada kesan besar kepada negara dan juga mempengaruhi perkembangan politik dalaman di peringkat KEADILAN dan PH. Jika laporan ini tidak benar, maka samanlah Straits Times sepantas kilat dan buat sidang media tergempar menafikan perkara-perkara di atas (seperti kekerapan beliau berbincang dengan Dato’ Seri Najib di telefon).

Jika benar, saya mohon beliau tidak berdolak dalih dan mengesahkan sama ada kerjasama dengan Umno untuk merampas Selangor pernah ada dalam pertimbangan politik PAS sebelum ini.

Sebagai satu-satunya Naib Presiden KEADILAN yang telah menyatakan secara terbuka pendirian saya bahawa KEADILAN sebagai tonggak pakatan pembangkang nasional iaitu Pakatan Harapan (yang diumumkan oleh Presiden KEADILAN sendiri) mesti bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi pertandingan tiga penjuru dengan PAS, saya merasakan masanya telah tiba agar perbezaan pendapat di antara pimpinan kanan KEADILAN mengenai perkara ini diselesaikan secara muktamad.

Saya menghormati usaha-usaha sahabat pimpinan lain sebelum ini yang masih cuba untuk memujuk PAS walaupun saya yakin tidak ada satu bukti pun yang sahih yang menunjukkan pertandingan tiga penjuru akan menyebabkan kekalahan besar-besaran KEADILAN (dan hilangnya tampuk pemerintahan Selangor) seperti yang diwar-warkan sebagai alasan paling kukuh memujuk PAS.

Malah, segala kajiselidik yang dijalankan secara telus dan terbuka oleh INVOKE yang kaedahnya menepati piawaian antarabangsa menunjukkan sokongan rakyat akan berpihak kepada KEADILAN dan Pakatan Harapan dalam pertandingan 3 penjuru kerana kehendak rakyat ialah untuk menukar kerajaan pimpinan Dato’ Seri Najib dengan segera.

Sebelum ini, saya mengimbangi keperluan untuk memberikan ruang kepada sahabat-sahabat pimpinan lain di dalam KEADILAN untuk menjayakan rundingan mereka dengan PAS dengan kebimbangan saya tindakan itu dilihat sebagai tidak berprinsip dan mementingkan diri dalam keadaan apa-apa kemenangan yang hendak dicapai mestilah berpasakkan prinsip (bukannya strategi bergabung dengan sesiapa asalkan boleh menang).

Oleh itu, mengambil kira beberapa perkembangan terkini termasuklah pengumuman PAS Selangor semalam untuk bertanding di 42 kerusi dan laporan pada hari ini yang membayangkan kerjasama PAS-Umno, saya akan berunding dengan seberapa ramai pimpinan lain dalam KEADILAN ke arah memuktamadkan pendirian KEADILAN mengenai PAS dan komitmen KEADILAN kepada Pakatan Harapan.

Saya percaya perbezaan pendapat sesama kami pimpinan kanan di peringkat Biro Politik dan Majlis Pimpinan Pusat akan berterusan dan tidak akan ada titik persetujuan, maka keputusan sebesar ini hanya boleh dimuktamadkan dengan mengambil kira suara akar umbi KEADILAN yang lebih besar (bukannya diputuskan oleh beberapa kerat pimpinan kanan parti semata-mata).

Walau apa pun kaedahnya nanti, saya ingin menegaskan pendirian saya bahawa pendirian KEADILAN mengenai kerjasama dengan PAS dan komitmen kepada Pakatan Harapan perlulah dimuktamadkan dalam masa terdekat dan bukannya dibiarkan “terbuka” (“open ended”) seperti sekarang.


Kajiselidik Populariti Perdana Menteri Dan Calon Perdana Menteri Pembangkang oleh I-CPI

Penganalisa politik berpendapat untuk menang PRU14, Pakatan Harapan (terutamanya) perlu menamakan calon Perdana Menteri. Kegagalan mempersetujui seorang calon Perdana Menteri sering dirujuk oleh penganalisa politik sebagai kelemahan Pakatan Harapan.

Perkembangan politik mutakhir dengan kemasukan PPBM menyertai Pakatan Harapan dilihat menyulitkan lagi sebarang usaha untuk mempersetujui seorang calon Perdana Menteri dari Pakatan Harapan.

Kajiselidik ini dibuat untuk mendapatkan data yang mewakili semua lapisan pengundi (mengikut kaum, jantina, umur dan negeri) untuk menjawab soalan-soalan berikut:

i. Berapa ramai rakyat Malaysia yang masih mahu Dato’ Seri Najib Razak kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri?
ii. Bagaimana populariti pimpinan terkanan pembangkang dari PKR, PAS dan PPBM sebagai calon Perdana Menteri?
iii. Adakah isu siapa Perdana Menteri dari Pakatan Harapan adalah faktor penting yang mempengaruhi undi kepada Pakatan Harapan?

17,962 orang pengundi berdaftar di seluruh negara ditemuramah di dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing atau bahasa Melayu.

Kajiselidik melibatkan temuramah melalui telefon di antara analis kajiselidik (penemuramah) dan pengundi (ditemuramah) menggunakan bahasa ibunda masing-masing. Kajiselidik dijalankan selama lebih tiga bulan dari 6 Februari 2017 ke 23 Mei 2017.

Pengundi dipilih dan didail secara rawak oleh sistem kajiselidik berkomputer INVOKE. Seramai 2.8 juta orang pengundi berdaftar didail secara rawak. Dari jumlah itu, 168,796 orang pengundi mengangkat telefon dan 17,962 orang pengundi menjawab kesemua soalan yang ditanya.

Keputusan hasil dari kajiselidik melibatkan 17,962 orang pengundi berdaftar ini kemudiannya diterjemahkan kepada keputusan nasional mengikut agregat seperti berikut:

i. Keputusan 17,962 orang pengundi diagregatkan mengikut umur, jantina dan kaum supaya melambangkan taburan demografi pengundi di seluruh negara
ii. Keputusan 17,962 orang pengundi diagregatkan mengikut taburan pengundi di setiap negeri supaya melambangkan kedudukan kerusi parlimen di seluruh negara

Pengundi ditanya soalan-soalan berikut:

Soalan 1
Adakah anda setuju atau tidak setuju dengan apa yang Najib Razak lakukan sekarang sebagai Perdana Menteri?
a) Setuju
b) Tidak Setuju
c) Tidak tahu (Jangan Baca)

Soalan 2
Antara yang berikut yang manakah menjadi pilihan anda sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang seterusnya?
a) Najib Razak
b) Mahathir Mohamad
c) Anwar Ibrahim
d) Muhyiddin Yassin
e) Mukhriz Mahathir
f) Hadi Awang
g) Azmin Ali
h) Rafizi Ramli
i) Nurul Izzah
j) Wan Azizah
k) Lain-lain (Jangan Baca)
l) Tidak tahu, tidak pasti (Jangan Baca)
m) Enggan memberi jawapan (Jangan Baca)

Keputusan terperinci dan angka-angka adalah seperti di dalam slaid yang dilampirkan.

Download (PDF, 605KB)

1. Hanya 3 dari 10 rakyat Malaysia menamakan Dato’ Seri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri pilihan mereka selepas PRU14

2. Lebih ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak berpuas hati dengan tindakan Dato’ Seri Najib berbanding yang berpuas hati

3. Lebih satu pertiga dari responden yang bersetuju dengan tindakan Dato’ Seri Najib tidak menamakan beliau sebagai Perdana Menteri

4. Pola populariti Dato’ Seri Najib hampir sama dengan pengundi dari ketiga-tiga kaum terbesar iaitu Melayu, Cina dan India

5. Dato’ Seri Anwar adalah calon yang paling popular di kalangan pemimpin pembangkag yang mendapat sokongan dari semua kaum

Dikeluarkan oleh:
Rafizi Ramli
24 Mei 2017

Bagi pihak INVOKE

Victory For Pakatan Harapan In GE14: Avoid Taking Shortcuts, Avoid Jumping To Conclusions


The 12th KEADILAN National Congress that ended two days ago was significantly different from the annual general assemblies of other parties. The KEADILAN National Congress lasted for only one day with short speeches and a tight schedule. The tight schedule meant there was little room for delegates to heap praises on the leadership. The one day period meant that the cost of organizing the congress was only RM150,000, which did not burden the party to the extent of having to seek donations from wealthy Arabs.

Many may not realize that PKR has a different political culture. PKR’s culture is more focused on work achievement and doing away with the practice of feudal politics which is full of celebration and protocols.

18 years ago, as a 21 year old young man working in London, I joined KEADILAN from afar. I was immediately appointed to the KEADILAN Youth EXCO (at that time) from London, eventhough I have never met the KEADILAN leaders. I joined KEADILAN from London because I believed this party dared to go against the grain and will succeed in bringing about a new political culture.

Leading Public Opinion Against “Conventional Wisdom”

The annual KEADILAN National Congress is a meeting to celebrate the diversity of Malaysia. There were Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Bidayuh, Kadazans, Muruts; even some Orang Asli. There is no single party in Malaysia that represents all races and religions like KEADILAN.

However, 18 years ago when the party was founded, public opinion (or “conventional wisdom”) at the time indicated that a multi-racial party that transcends ethnic boundaries (and not only fight for the interests of a single race) will not last long. Today, KEADILAN is the first and only party in the history of Malaysia to receive all races and have MPs/ADUNs in every state from Perlis to Sabah and Sarawak.

After the 2004 General Election (GE), KEADILAN was left with only one seat. We were ridiculed as a mosquito party that was about to be buried. Three years later when Anwar Ibrahim said the opposition could seize several states and deny BN a two-thirds majority in the 2008 general election, everyone belittled the confidence of Anwar and KEADILAN. In the 2008 general election, KEADILAN proved the conventional wisdom wrong when the opposition denied Barisan Nasional the two-thirds majority and the opposition has since successfully administered Selangor and Penang.

When Anwar Ibrahim established Pakatan Rakyat after the 2008 general election, many people were not confident that the opposition coalition could last long. They said this coalition “shared the same pillow but had different dreams”. Nevertheless, Pakatan Rakyat created history as the first opposition coalition in this country to win the popular vote against BN in a general election.

When the KEADILAN President, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail established Pakatan Harapan without the participation of PAS, public opinion at that time indicated that an opposition coalition without PAS had no hope. There were also those who criticized (including NGOs and the media friendly to the opposition) the decision of the KEADILAN President as being rash and negligent.

Today, Malaysia believes that the only opposition coalition with the potential to defeat BN is Pakatan Harapan, not Gagasan Sejahtera (anchored by PAS). Therefore, the question of who will become the next Prime Minister is only posed to Pakatan Harapan, because public confidence is placed in Pakatan Harapan (and not Gagasan Sejahtera).

I mention all this to show that for 18 years, all major decisions taken by KEADILAN was always ahead of public opinion or “conventional wisdom”, but eventually we proved to be correct. The major shift brought by KEADILAN (since 1998) always began with the belittling by the intellectuals, NGOs and media at that time, before the shift actually happened (for example: the emergence of the first multi-racial party, to the founding of the first national opposition coalition to last 3 general elections, to denying two-thirds majority of Barisan Nasional and now, potentially to defeat Barisan Nasional in the upcoming GE).

The reason for this is that KEADILAN is a reformist party – many of our ideas and views were ahead of conventional wisdom (which was shaped by the entrenched socio-political culture) because we brought ideas that challenged the current thinking at that time.

The Question of Reformist Prime Minister Candidate

The same can be said for the question of who will become the Prime Minister if Pakatan Harapan won. Our answer is clear – he is Anwar Ibrahim. Current public opinion (from the perspective of political analysts, media, NGO leaders, and commentators in news portals) deride that “KEADILAN is fooling themselves” and “KEADILAN is mad” because Anwar Ibrahim is still in prison.

Whether they realise it or not, many of the ideas that drew public support to Pakatan Harapan originated from Anwar’s fight against the one-party system of government under Barisan Nasional since 1998. Calls for the government to respect the rakyat, desire for the government to be more responsible in managing the national coffers, and disgust towards the culture of corruption that enriched the ruling elite in society – all these are ideas that sparked the reformasi movement, which grew to a large scale thanks to Anwar Ibrahim and KEADILAN.

Therefore supporting these ideas of reform means supporting Anwar Ibrahim for his determination to position the government as servants of the people, and not the other way around.

I dare to write like this because the statement in paragraph above (that support for a change of government is directly correlated with the personal support of Anwar Ibrahim by most Malaysians) has been proven correct through a survey conducted by INVOKE Malaysia for three months since February 2017.

The survey involving 18,000 voters showed that the opposition leader with the highest support level to be prime minister if Pakatan Harapan wins is Anwar Ibrahim. More importantly, Anwar Ibrahim is the only opposition political figure with the support of all races in this country, making him the only opposition political leader with the moral legitimacy to become the prime minister for all Malaysians.

The full survey will be published today. I mentioned this in advance as a reminder that the selection of Anwar Ibrahim as the top choice of Malaysians is not a matter of opinion or tastes (while I respect my fellow opposition colleagues who are entitled to their own preferences and inclinations), but it is the will of the majority of people who support Pakatan Harapan and are seeking the change advocated by Anwar Ibrahim over the past two decades.

Whilst I understand that Pakatan Harapan parties have their own potential candidates, my view is that negating the people’s will based on a political calculation that Anwar Ibrahim is in prison will marginalize the majority of Pakatan Harapan supporters.

The Royal Pardon Method Is Available, Though It May Seem Difficult

The rakyat know that the royal pardon method can be used to enable Anwar Ibrahim to be released immediately and compete in a by-election. This method has been used in compassionate cases to release criminals, let alone Anwar Ibrahim is a political prisoner who is clearly being persecuted by political enemies seeking to silence the voice of the people demanding for change.

Although the general opinion (among the middle class, political commentators, NGOs and the media) may not be favourable to this method, KEADILAN knows that when Pakatan Harapan wins the 14th general election, a senior leader can hold the post of Prime Minister (as interim prime minister) and immediately seek a royal pardon for Anwar Ibrahim.

Our friends in DAP and AMANAH have also agreed that the Opposition Leader, Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah, can become interim Prime Minister (representing Anwar Ibrahim) and will immediately seek the release of Anwar Ibrahim through a royal pardon. I am confident that, within one month from the date of the GE14 victory, Anwar Ibrahim can be released this way and immediately take in a by-election, before being sworn in as Prime Minister.

Indeed, it is not a simple matter.

I have read some views that this plan was too dependent on “ifs” – if Pakatan Harapan wins, if Anwar is released, if Anwar is able to contest, if he wins the by-election, and so on. All these “if” are political decisions within the purview of the federal government that can be carried out legally and within a short period of time after Pakatan Harapan wins Putrajaya.

Prior to this, there were also some important decisions (made by KEADILAN after GE13) that did not receive some quarters’ approvals at first because they too, were reliant on “ifs”. The best example is the establishment of Pakatan Harapan and the prospects of defeating Barisan Nasional in a three-cornered fight.

Many political commentators, NGO leaders and media practitioners were doubtful of Pakatan Harapan’s survival when it was first established two years ago without the membership of PAS. I note that these same political commentators, NGO leaders and media practitioners are now trying to push Pakatan Harapan to nominate a Prime Minister candidate, when two years ago they were not even confident in Pakatan Harapan.

They do not realize that by urging KEADILAN to name a Prime Minister candidate from among leaders who are outside prison (instead of Anwar Ibrahim), they are admitting their error of rejecting the establishment of Pakatan Harapan two years ago.

The same can be said for Pakatan Harapan’s prospects of winning GE14 in a three-cornered fight.

Previously, political commentators, NGO leaders, and media practitioners were equally critical of the supposed lack of consensus in Pakatan Rakyat because of the ideological differences of the respective parties. Likewise, they disagreed with Pakatan Harapan’s strategy of forging ahead without PAS. Such commentators believe that without PAS, Pakatan Harapan cannot succeed.

Yet they do not realize that the political landscape has changed completely. In this new political scenario, it has been proven empirically that only KEADILAN will benefit in the event of a straight fight, since only KEADILAN (from among the opposition parties) will receive votes from all races, while other parties tend to be more popular with a single race.

In the event of a one-to-one contest, surveys after surveys have shown the following projected voting patterns:

1. The non-Malay voters (Chinese and Indians) will not vote for PAS. At most, PAS will only obtain about 5% of the non-Malay votes. In all the seats where non-Malay voters exceed 20%, PAS will lose in a one-to-one fight with Umno because non-Malay voters either will not vote or even switch their support to Umno to shun PAS. Of the 165 parliamentary seats in the Peninsula, more than 75% of them are seats where non-Malay voters are more than 20%.

2. Malay voters from UMNO and PAS may not necessarily vote for BERSATU or AMANAH (even in a straight fight) because they consider both parties to be splinter parties. There is a possibility that they will not come out to vote, spoil their vote, or even vote for Umno! Moreover, with the votes of the non-Malays for BERSATU and AMANAH not being at par to the votes for DAP and PKR, it can be shown (using published data) that there is not much difference for BERSATU and AMANAH in a one-to-one or three-corner fights.

If my fellow KEADILAN leaders and I were to cave in to the opinions of a few NGO leaders and compromised our principles just for the sake of building a coalition that includes PAS (for the purpose of a straight fight), the number of seats that will be won by the opposition coalition may not be very different from what we have now.

However, when it has now become more apparent that the influence of PAS in a three-corner fight is waning as voters pay more attention to political coalitions with the potential to win Putrajaya (and not just a few seats), I am certain the same vocal political commentators and NGO representatives will silently accept that reality. Furthermore, Deputy Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi, himself had admitted that a three-corner fight does not necessarily make it any easier for Umno/Barisan Nasional to win.

Without realising it, the rakyat are mentally preparing themselves for a clash between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan. Doubts and strong criticisms that were initially the result of ‘conventional wisdom’ at that time will eventually fade into obscurity.

Avoid Taking Shortcuts

I have repeatedly appealed to the public not choose shortcuts in bringing about change. I often remind others that changing the fate of the rakyat and the country is not a game of chess between a few groups of political elites who decide in a meeting room; isolated from the rest of the rakyat.

Lasting change must involve as many ordinary citizens as possible. Therefore, our important decisions and strategic directions cannot marginalize the sentiments of the majority of rakyat who support and participate in the wave of change, even if this leads us down a road that appears to be more difficult as it is still untested.

The same applies to strategic decisions taken by KEADILAN and Pakatan Harapan.

Preparing to face a three-corner fight and defend the coalition parties of Pakatan Harapan, such as AMANAH and BERSATU, looks much harder compared to the easy route of sacrificing AMANAH, BERSATU or DAP to fulfill the demands of PAS. But that is not the will of the majority of the rakyat. Such a shortcut does not reflect the reformasi objective which is based on the principle of justice for all and zero tolerance towards corruption.

I also agree that making Anwar Ibrahim the Prime Minister through a royal pardon and a by-election after Pakatan Harapan wins is not the easiest route to take. But that is also the route that will receive the most support from Malaysians of all races, if we truly want to remove Dato’ Seri Najib from Sri Perdana.

Most importantly, Malaysians who want change need to realize we are where we are today because of the support from the many unnamed Malaysians who have helped us. Many have not held any party positions (not even the smallest position in JKKK), yet they have supported our efforts to change the Barisan Nasional government since 1998 because they know the dangers of corruption and the over-concentration of power in the hands of the few political and business elites.

That is why I pray Pakatan Harapan leaders will not disappoint the people and will avoid the temptations of corruption and powers that is now causing the demise of Umno/Barisan Nasional. I pray that Allah will grant the fortitude and determination for Pakatan Harapan leaders to not be diverted from the struggle of the people and not be defeated by the evil of corruption, abuse of power and embezzlement.

I am not perturbed if there are a few who criticize my political opinions; whether about the establishment of Pakatan Harapan, my stance towards PAS, my view that Pakatan Harapan can win in a three corner fight, or my belief that Anwar Ibrahim can become the Prime Minister through the royal pardon route.

Because (in spite of all the critics over the years) Dato’ Seri Najib himself has recently practiced shouting “Lawan Tetap Lawan” to his army of UMNO cybertroopers as though he is ready to become the opposition. Najib himself is well aware that a three-cornered fight will not be an easy ride for him.

Adam Rosly Wajar Bercuti Dari Jawatan, Lalui Proses Disiplin Di Peringkat Parti

Skrin TV, telefon dan dada akhbar hebat membincangkan kes yang melibatkan Ketua Angkatan Muda KEADILAN Ampang, Saudara Adam Rosly yang didakwa di mahkamah atas beberapa pertuduhan.

Media yang rapat dengan Umno/Barisan Nasional dan penyokong parti-parti yang tidak sehaluan dengan KEADILAN/Pakatan Harapan hebat mengkritik KEADILAN dan menggunakan pertuduhan terhadap Saudara Adam Rosly ini sebagai bukti bagaimana KEADILAN pun terpalit dengan rasuah dan penyelewengan seperti mana sering saya dedahkan berlaku di dalam Umno/Barisan Nasional.

Sebenarnya KEADILAN amat tegas mengenai perkara-perkara yang bersabit dengan tata kelola dan keamanahan. Sebab itu setahun yang lalu, saya sendiri sebagai Setiausaha Agung KEADILAN pada ketika itu dengan diiringi pimpinan-pimpinan lain membuat laporan mengenai dakwaan salah guna kuasa dan rasuah yang diadukan kepada saya yang didakwa berlaku di Selangor.

Malah, saya secara berterusan di dalam saluran rasmi dan tidak rasmi parti mengingatkan pimpinan dan aktivis parti bahawa gerak geri kita diperhatikan oleh rakyat. Saya konsisten menegaskan bahawa piawai moral dan keamanahan yang perlu kita buktikan kepada rakyat adalah lebih tinggi dari parti-parti lain kerana KEADILAN dihargai rakyat hasil dari perjuangan berterusan kita menentang rasuah, salah guna kuasa dan penyelewengan pentadbiran sedia ada.

Sebab itu semasa kekayaan Saudara Adam Rosly mula-mula menarik perhatian ramai, saya dengan serta-merta menasihatkan beliau supaya mengisytiharkan harta. Ada perbezaan di dalam parti apabila ada yang beranggapan beliau tidak perlu mengisytiharkan harta kerana tidak menjawat sebarang jawatan kerajaan.

Saya telah menyatakan bahawa saya tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan itu kerana piawai moral dan keamanahan (“moral dan integrity standards”) yang dipegang KEADILAN mestilah lebih tinggi dari parti-parti lain. Sama ada seseorang itu menjawat jawatan awam atau tidak, seseorang yang memegang jawatan parti tidak boleh dilihat mengumpul kekayaan yang tidak boleh diterangkan kepada rakyat. Maka, jika kekayaan itu dikumpul secara sah dan tanpa melibatkan kepentingan awam, saya yakin mana-mana pimpinan dalam parti ini boleh mengisytiharkan harta dengan mudah.

Pendirian saya itu tidak berubah. Saya masih berpendapat Saudara Adam Rosly boleh menjernihkan keadaan supaya tidak mengheret KEADILAN ke dalam kemelut peribadi beliau dengan mengisytiharkan harta secepat mungkin. Keadaannya berbeza sekarang kerana keengganan beliau mengisytiharkan harta telah mengheret nama baik KEADILAN sehingga dijadikan bahan serangan oleh musuh-musuh politik KEADILAN.

Oleh sebab itu juga saya dan rakan-rakan pimpinan yang lain akan mengusulkan supaya satu tindakan diambil yang boleh menjarakkan kemelut peribadi beliau dari mengheret KEADILAN dan Pakatan Harapan, sama ada melalui keputusan bersama kepimpinan KEADILAN untuk membolehkan beliau (Saudara Adam Rosly) “bercuti” dari jawatan parti sehingga kes beliau selesai, atau melalui kaedah Lembaga Disiplin seperti yang disuarakan oleh Dato’ Seri Azmin Ali, Timbalan Presiden.

Apa pun, saya berharap seluruh kekuatan parti dari akar umbi ke peringkat pimpinan mengambil langkah untuk menjarakkan parti dari kemelut peribadi seperti ini.

Ada yang bimbang jika sebarang langkah yang meminta beliau “bercuti” akan menetapkan satu teladan bahawa mana-mana pimpinan yang didakwa di mahkamah perlu juga “bercuti” dari jawatan.

Saya menyeru rakyat supaya membezakan di antara kes-kes yang jelas ia satu perancangan jahat untuk menutup mulut lawan (seperti pendakwaan ke atas Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim), kes-kes yang melibatkan pembelaan rakyat dan tidak bersifat kepentingan peribadi (contohnya pendakwaan kes OSA yang melibatkan kebajikan veteran tentera); berbanding dengan kes-kes peribadi seperti ini bila mana seorang penjawat jawatan di dalam parti tidak dapat menerangkan kekayaan beliau sehingga didakwa berbohong.

Saya yakin kepimpinan dan aktivis parti dapat membezakan dan menangani setiap kes mengikut kepentingannya kepada parti.

Saya tetap percaya rakyat dapat membezakan kes-kes yang melibatkan setiap pimpinan dan penjawat jawatan di dalam KEADILAN. Pun begitu, KEADILAN mesti dilihat tegas dan berpegang kepada piawai moral dan keamanahan yang jauh lebih tinggi berbanding parti-parti lain.

Oleh itu, satu tindakan yang menjarakkan KEADILAN sebagai parti dari kemelut peribadi Saudara Adam Rosly ini perlu diputuskan segera terutamanya dalam keadaan PRU14 boleh dipanggil pada bila-bila masa.


Kajiselidik Buktikan Rakyat Mahu Ahli Politik Isytihar Harta

Berikutan polemik mengenai cadangan pentadbiran Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk menguatkuasakan satu akta mengawal sumbangan kepada parti politik, saya telah membuat satu kajiselidik atas talian.

Latar belakang 727 responden yang menyertai kajiselidik ini adalah seperti berikut:

1 – 60% adalah dari kalangan responden yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai penyokong parti-parti pembangkang iaitu Pakatan Harapan, PAS dan Bersatu

2 – Sekitar 40% adalah dari kalangan responden yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai atas pagar atau tidak mahu menyatakan mereka menyokong parti mana. Sebahagian dari mereka yang tidak mahu menyatakan kecenderongan mengundi adalah penyokong Barisan Nasional

Dapatan-dapatan yang jelas menunjukkan sentimen umum mahukan pengisytiharan harta oleh ahli politik dan penjawat awam berpangkat tinggi secara langsung membuktikan rakyat tidak percaya dengan tindakan Dato’ Seri Najib memperkenalkan akta untuk mengawal sumbangan kepada parti-parti politik.

Paling ketara, sekitar 60% responden mengakui pemgisytiharan harta mempengaruhi keputusan mengundi calon lain.

Saya sertakan dapatan penuh untuk diteliti oleh orang ramai.

Oleh itu, saya akan mengisytiharkan harta bagi tahun 2016 esok jam 12 tengahari di INVOKESpace dalam satu sidang media yang boleh juga ditonton secara LIVEFB di laman page Rafiziramli.

Saya menyeru seberapa ramai wakil rakyat supaya mula mengisytiharkan harta secara sukarela selepas ini.